Fork seals. Fresh fork oil at the appropriate level makes a huge difference.

I had the better of my 2 old chains soaking in gas for the last week. Scrubbed it clean and blew it dry. Then double Zip-Loc'd it soaking in gear oil. This can ride along on the OBDR and hopefully we won't need it. Old master links go on the key rings.

Aside from my backordered fender for the white bike, I think they're ready.

I had the better of my 2 old chains soaking in gas for the last week. Scrubbed it clean and blew it dry. Then double Zip-Loc'd it soaking in gear oil. This can ride along on the OBDR and hopefully we won't need it. Old master links go on the key rings.

Aside from my backordered fender for the white bike, I think they're ready.