Too cold to go ride? Probably, but I did it anyway.

We left from Initial Point and rode out along the bombing range then west over to the river, then came out above the Swan Falls dam.

We hit a a little leftover snow and ice in the shady spots but the bikes ran fine and nobody crashed so it was a pretty uneventful 75 ride.
Now, on the way out there the Smell Camino started starving for fuel. I could cruise for about a half mile and it would start to chug. I'd pull over and let it idle for a minute and repeat. I pedaled it about 20 miles to the meeting spot in the morning and expected it would be the same for the 30 miles home. I assume the filter inside the Quadrajet is plugging up but didn't have the tools to take it apart so I just limped, with it getting a little worse all the time. I was about half way home when I got a call from my daughter that my wife needed a ride. So I was greeted with this a mile and a half from home.

She was stopped to make a left turn and got smacked by an F450 auto transport with 3 cars on the gooseneck trailer. The Venza wadded up like it was supposed to but she's really, really stiff and sore.

We left from Initial Point and rode out along the bombing range then west over to the river, then came out above the Swan Falls dam.

We hit a a little leftover snow and ice in the shady spots but the bikes ran fine and nobody crashed so it was a pretty uneventful 75 ride.
Now, on the way out there the Smell Camino started starving for fuel. I could cruise for about a half mile and it would start to chug. I'd pull over and let it idle for a minute and repeat. I pedaled it about 20 miles to the meeting spot in the morning and expected it would be the same for the 30 miles home. I assume the filter inside the Quadrajet is plugging up but didn't have the tools to take it apart so I just limped, with it getting a little worse all the time. I was about half way home when I got a call from my daughter that my wife needed a ride. So I was greeted with this a mile and a half from home.

She was stopped to make a left turn and got smacked by an F450 auto transport with 3 cars on the gooseneck trailer. The Venza wadded up like it was supposed to but she's really, really stiff and sore.