I looked into installing under-drive pulleys on a 328i bmw. I always heard bad reviews of under-drive pulleys on a sbc / bbc so I would never even consider installing them on my cutlass tbh. bmw makes a great clutch but not such a great automatic. On the 328 in chicago traffic it would always shift into 3rd when I really needed it to stay in second gear. This would cause me to waste so much breaks b/c the car is always trying to shift into 3rd. I rode w/ a friend in his 328i with the under-drive and noticed when he was in 1st or second gear if he took his foot off the gas his bmw would just coast and remain in w/e gear he was in before he took his foot off the gas and it would continue coasting in that gear. This looked much more enjoyable / easy to drive in Chicago traffic and was therefore very appealing to me. I never got around to installing the under-drive pulleys on the car b/c my brother crashed in it. I can't imagine any situations outside of Chicago traffic where this would be very helpful. It looked like a huge improvement for driving on highway 94 to downtown chicago, IMO. Idk anything about horsepower gains and charging and all that, I'm a driver not a mechanic.