Re: First carb
Houston, we have horsepower.
She ran for a solid 10 minutes with no problems, full power, GREAT vacc readout and didn't carbon up the plugs too much.
Here's the rundown, first i pulled all of the plugs, cleaned them and checked the wires. Then i pulled the cap, cleaned all the contacts and checked for any wear/oxidization.
Then i rechecked all sources of vacc, i unhooked the brake booster and plugged the line, i unhooked the PCV valve ONLY to test run, it's hooked back up now it had nothing to do with the problem.
I triple checked the fuel line, and fixed it so it doesn't leak.
I fired it up, and let it run for one minute then shut it down, pulled cylinder 1 plug, i have a picture, it barley had any black on it at all. At this point i reattached the PCV valve, fired it back up, and let it run for 10 minutes before i shut it down.
During the 10 minute period the engine obviously warmed up and the RPM elevated to 1300 while maintaining 19 inchs of vacc SOLID. the needle would fluctuate to 18 very rarely ,I'd say once a minute. I adjusted idle speed back down to 1100 RPM. continued to hold solid 19 inchs of vacc. I shut the engine down and fired it back up to test, absolutely NO hesitation, as soon as i turned the key it was alive.
I didn't bother checking fuel press, i don't think i need too at this point.
I did a CRANKING VACCUM TEST, i couldn't tell but it was either 7 or 8 inchs of vacc, steady needle with no fluctuation.
I checked the timing, still at 19 degrees.
There is only one problem now, when i throttle up the engine it's rough/ doesn't hesitate but pops occasionally. I think i can fix this when i tune the carb in.
😀 8)
**EDIT** I forgot to mention what i suspect was the problem lol, i think the brake booster is bad?