For those of you over 30 lol you will like this one!

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monte olrac said:
Who remembers before they had good copy machines--"The Duplexer" or calling the police before 911

ahhh, the old "mimeographers"!!!! I can still smell the ink! 😀
Does anybody remember the "communicaters" in Star Trek that they used to flip up and talk to the ship with, they look an awful lot like modern cell phones.
Classicpartsmart said:
And I remember promising myself that when I grew up, there was no way in hell I was going to lay a bunch of crap like that on my kids about how hard I had it and how easy they've got it!

But now that . . . I'm over the ripe old age of thirty, I can't help but look around and notice the youth of today.
This isn't exactly that, but it is related:

When I was in high school, we had this really old grouchy male teacher who also finally retired after decades of service before I he was even older and grouchier while I was there then years past. The b*st*rd always referred to us collectively as DAKs (Dumb *ss Kids), and he used to smirk about calling us that nearly every time he did. Unlike most my age then, I knew I was young and recognized many of my faults for being a teenager, but I thought the guy was unfairly being a jerk because he was just a grouchy old b*st*rd.

Well, I'll never say it to them out loud, but now that I'm older, JC I can't stand being around and listening to teenagers displaying what vapid idiots they are all the time.
I love this thread lol.
Im almost 30 so I fit into this catergory. I remember going over to my Granny's house on the weekends and watching the Munsters, Adams Family, Mork and Mindy, and the Monkees on a big Sylvania Console TV that had its own zipcode. Something like the one pictured below. Funny thing is, she still has it in perfect working condition in her living room of her new house. Oh by the way, my roommate and I have an original set of Jarts that regularly get a workout in the backyard during a weekend of drinking. Fun times!

LOL, I'm 36, so I guess I can relate! I remember our first VCR: Bigger than a suitcase and twice as ugly with its fake woodgrain case! Or my first Technics cd player when I was in High school... I still remember aerosmiths permamant vacation. My first cd. I remember when HBO was the only satellite station, and if it was windy, forget it! LOL, "Fraggle rock" and "Porkys"!
drknow90rs said:
LOL, I'm 36, so I guess I can relate! I remember our first VCR: Bigger than a suitcase and twice as ugly with its fake woodgrain case! Or my first Technics cd player when I was in High school... I still remember aerosmiths permamant vacation. My first cd. I remember when HBO was the only satellite station, and if it was windy, forget it! LOL, "Fraggle rock" and "Porkys"!

Direct TV!
LOL, thats what I'm talking about! Back then, you had two choices: A pool or a satellite dish! You didnt have room for both!! HAHA!
Over 30? How about the over 40 crowd...
We used to get into fist fights in the playground and after school and didn't have to worry about someone coming into school with a gun to take out everyone. I was the first house on the block to have a sony trinatron color tv and cable tv. p*rn was scrambled on tv and every teenage boy knew what channel it was on. In Cub Scouts you had a pocket knife and wore it on you belt during school without getting locked up. You could play army and war games in the school yard and not get detention, suspended or hurt someone's feelings. You were proud to stand up recite "The Pledge of Allegiance" and "give a moment of silence". AFX and Tyco slotcar sets were the best thing made. Nascars were real cars out of the showrooms all souped up without major modifications. Everykid either owned a bb gun or a minibike. You could trust your neighbors and knew the kids at Holloween, and they actually said "Trick or Treat" and "Thank You". When the kids saw a car coming down the street they moved to the side of the road and didn't talk back to passing motorist. If an adult had to speak to you about your behavior, you knew you were in trouble. Drive in movies were starting to get phased out... and Earthquake in "Sensoround" and "Jaws" were in the theaters. "Smokey and the Bandit" and the original "Gumball Rally" were the cool race movies..

I could go on....but I think ya get the picture...
1evilregal said:
monte olrac said:
Who remembers before they had good copy machines--"The Duplexer" or calling the police before 911

ahhh, the old "mimeographers"!!!! I can still smell the ink! 😀

That was the best part of getting the assignments.. I caught the teachers sniffing the paper one time in the dittoroom..
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