I learned one thing reading this topic-
I think this is kinda the wrong place to get positive advice for a new household appliance (in a good way haha)! Most people here have the ability acknowledge just because something is new doesn't mean it's good.
I wonder how the reviews for washers and driers would vary on a model T enthusiasts forum, vs a tri 5 chevy forum, vs a honda forum, vs a prius forum, vs an AMG mercedes forum.
I think the owners of cars behaviors somewhat wear off on their appliance choices.
Model T-Old for old sakes
Tri 5- Sweeping lines and colors, chrome
G body- Easy to fix, long lasting
Honda-Affordable, parts interchangeability
Prius- Technology and efficiency
AMG mercedes- Features and luxury
I also did the buy a $50 pair of 80's whirlpool top load washer/drier off craigslist in college. Drier didnt work but it was just clogged with lint, and the washer would fill and not turn on, turned out to be the lid safety switch. Disconnected the safety switch so now it can run a full cycle without needing the door closed. Yes, I like to live dangerously! Drier still doesn't turn off (tumbles forever) but as long as you remember to take the clothes out its fine. When I moved it jiggled something loose and started working fine again, then broke after a few months.
I feel like the top load vs front load is like fwd vs rwd. Yes, fwd is more efficient, is the new thing, cheaper, but rwd is what all the people who really know want.