G-Body Run Channel Research

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can't wait to see some pics!
Well I took a few pics this morning. You'll get an idea of what I mean regarding the different shapes, or profiles of the run channel.

Jack, i am guessing the new one is on the left? And the stocker on the right?

I guess if it is close, and will stay put in the track, then it may be the best we will get.
Yes Jim,
That's correct. The replacement is on the left, the OE part on the right. It doesn't look bad, as you can see in the picture. It doesn't quite lay in the track as well as I would have liked it, but once it's glued down well, it should work. I think it's still our best option at this time.
The outer part of the strip looks good, the inner seems to pull inward. Again, once the glue is applied along the inner track, it should help hold it's proper shape.
Ok. Well, it is like you said, it is currently the best option it appears. The replacement channel looks like it is not as beefy as the OE, but, I will be ordering some in the coming weeks/months to do mine.
I'll be happy if this stuff works. It;s not as beefy as the original, but I'm alright with that. If I come across something else in my travels, I'll let you know.
I was almost tempted to use a few of the old, worn, stiff upright strips. But I don't think it would've been in my best interest.
All we can do is keep plugging along, and make things fit and work.

Haven't had the opportunity to compare the two pieces yet but being I have new samples of OE and the replacement, should be an apples to apples comparison. I know time and atmosphere take its toll on rubber parts so virgin components should be a good test. Restoration Specialties says they have a deal with a small extrusion shop and will consider new designs if the potential quantity is sufficient. Honestly, there's enough of these cars out there to justify not only the correct contour, but possibly even the release of a premade run channel assembly. Other G-Body cars use the same run channel albeit in a different window configuration.

Jack, You didn't miss out on much as far as the glue for the joint is concerned. I wish now I would have just asked for the website as opposed to paying ten bucks so they could sent it to me. What they sent was a three gram tube, about the size of a superglue tube. Not that I'm looking the proverbial gift horse in the mouth or anything. Anyway, the glue is called SI Blue and can be purchased at the following website.
http://shop.tech-bond.net/SI-Blue-for-g ... roductId=4

I haven't had time to call them yet but there's three different versions of the adhesive. Apparently the only difference is the amount of spread control the user has. Blue is the most common, green and black are the other two choices. A two ounce bottle is gonna set you back about sixteen bucks. The little tube they sent isn't really even large enough to do a reasonable test of the stuff but I'm going to try.

Now remember, the adhesive I'm talking about is to make the joints in the corners. It's not to hold the channel into the window frame. I suspect a guy would use the basic 3M weatherstrip adhesive for that job.

More to come. ...

Scott, ... :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :wink:
I asked them about the adhesive via e-mail, but they didn't offer any real suggestions other than using 3M weatherstrip adhesive. I understand that the adhesive that was mentioned was to bond the corners. You would think in this modern day and age that there would be various types of space age products out there.
I think butyl or urethane caulk might work in the corners, but it's messy as hell. I wouldn't want to get it embedded in the flocking. I'd be flocking pissed... :lol:

Having a small extrusion shop crank out these particular run channels could get fairly pricey. But again, if there was enough parties interested, it would be worth while.

This odd profile might only be used in wagons and 4dr sedans. I don't believe that 2dr models, or El Caminos use this type of channel.

I'd be anxious to hear your views and opinion on the new profile.
Longroof79 said:
I think butyl or urethane caulk might work in the corners, but it's messy as hell. I wouldn't want to get it embedded in the flocking. I'd be flocking pissed... :lol:

Jack, Now that's funny, I don't care who you are. :rofl:


I've been through every website and every catalog online I can find, both old and new, foreign and domestic, I cannot find an exact match to the profile (contour) used on our cars. I find this very odd since I tend to believe most of GM's run channel and weather-stripping is widely used in the industry. Now the squish factor (material compound) is proprietary but the contour should be standard sealing technology. I haven't found one single source that sells this stuff that specifically lists 78-88 model years or G-Body cars by name.

I found 80-90 Custom Cruiser run channel but that's the big brother to the Cutlass Cruiser wagon. Probably the same basic stuff as the Caprice stuff I already have. One of the really irritating things is that most of the companies selling the stuff in kits don't show the material profile. I downloaded several pictures from sites and enlarged them to four hundred percent but it's still difficult to see the contour due to the crummy pixel resolution.

I would buy a premade set and cut them apart if the material contour was correct. Can't tell though through the gazillion photos I've looked at. I've already bought one set on a whim just to cure my curiosity, can't afford to do every one I feel is close. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to call these joints and speak to someone about it. I can eMail after hours but it doesn't tend to produce the same results. I don't have any intention on commissioning production of the correct contour run channel, but someone in the industry must know the specific number for the contour we need.

The attached photos are crappy but you get the idea. OE is on the left. To your point, the material is not as robust as the OE material. Will it work, I think so but here again, I've not given up on this yet. I think you indicated you weren't convinced all G-Body's used the same contour run channel. I can't imagine why they wouldn't but I don't have a Monte or Cutlass around to be sure. Does anyone have a piece of run channel for a 78-88 Monte, Regal or Cutlass? I'd like to see the profile. Like I said, I'll purchase the big window set and cut it up if it's closer that what we have thus far.

Like I said previously, In all the searching I've done, I've yet to come across one piece of run channel specifically for a G-Body.

At first, I was thinking, what run channel on a monte/cutlass/2dr malibu? Then it occurred to me that the channel holding the glass is what was being referred too. That is a pretty good question. The downside is, if it is the same profile, it is not long enough, and also probably not reproduced. Though some used stuff could probably be glued together and used.
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