And who created them?
Go take some more pain killers...
This started as a humorous musing... but responses like this one do raise a curious theme. There's a big narrative in the world today of "you made me like this" or "I don't have a choice" - and I'm not limiting that to one particular age.
I will say that in decades past, again irrespective of age, you didn't really hear that excuse being made like that.
Nope. Personally, I'm X. But thanks for the compliment
Most millenials are working 12 to 14 hours a day trying to get by, while everyone else is ******** on them for no better reason than deflecting from their own dissatisfaction with the world at large.
Actually, that's a personal choice. And I'm not talking to keep up with cable TV or the latest phone.
Much like the 1850s, or 1920s, employers only have as much power as you let them. Prior generations fought for the power to unionize and stop workplace abuses. In Europe, at least western/northern europe, in many countries companies can be fined for trying to force you to do work from home/after hours. But here, it's a race to the bottom just rolling over. When you've got 5 24 year olds willing to do that 14hr day for every 1 that says 'no, work the 8-9 hrs and when I leave, I'll look at your email tomorrow' then of course you get what you have. But if employees really hated it, and refused to do it, then guess what? Employers can't fire absolutely everybody and have nobody at work.
For those who choose to work more as part of their lifestyle goal, well, again, thays also their choice...
Video games and cell phones w/social media KILLED them being active. We can’t even hire any young people anymore, they don’t want to work that hard, and they CANT leave they’re phones alone.
Usually, by an age of mid-teens a group starts to assert a collective identity, albeit with outsiders. It looks like that's what a geneat ion or two has chosen to be, except not taking accountability for themselves and owning it?
This generational mud slinging is pretty lame, and the people that do it only fuel the stereotypes. All generations have done it, it’s just way easier now to blast your opinion to the world.
Being born in 1982 I’m considered a millennial, but I sure don’t act like the average one. And as a parent now of two young children, I also realize it’s the parents that have the most control over what happens to the kids. Rather than worrying about their hair, making the most money, the cars or their hair, my parents focused on raising their two boys with a work ethic and a sense that everything is earned and nothing is given. I pay it forward by raising my kids the same way. sure, it’s easier to shove technology in their face but it’s not how I’m going to do it. They would rather be playing outside or in the garage than in front of the iPad. My wife and I receive compliments on their manners and behavior all the time. Is it the easiest? No. Are there things I would rather be doing? For awhile I thought yes, but now I wouldn’t trade that time for anything.
If you’re older and don’t like “kids these days”, take a look in the mirror.
What's the mudslinging? Just pointing out what's visible to the eye.
I find it curious that, 1) something which is half joking in its nature is met with such a raw nerve (look at what's touted as being accomplished) but 2) nobody from those groups actually DOES offer some type of cultural expansion/contribution of trying to leave a unique mark on the world? Instead, all i hear/see here is a "woe is me, you forced us to this" excuse...
I totally agree, it is mostly the parents failt the last few generat ions. To giving and lenient. Want to be they’re kids friend instead of parent.
And we come back to making excuses for them. Every group can cite something about their parents or their parents parents - heck, think about going to the lack of homemakers and a 2 income household. Kids still asserted themselves when coming of age and made their own way. Same thing when boomers also led the boom in divorces, in having kids see parents bring different partners in the home...nah, still this is hijacked...
Still waiting for an answer as to what these generations mark on society is going to be, other than its sounding like the blame generation