GM lover, i urge all of you now.

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We can't just prop up a company to keep jobs if they do not have a workable business model. They do not have products that sell in the market, that is why they are failing. If they made stuff people wanted to buy it would be a different story. For a precedent of what happens when a government takes over a bad automaker that is too big to fail all you have to do is look at British Leyland. Eventually though, it too failed. I tend to think that any money we spend to prop up GM is a waste and just prolongs the inevitable by infusing them with a few months worth of operating capital so they stay in business until that runs out and then we the taxpayers are stuck footing a bill that no one else will pay off. They do not have a viable turn around strategy. They will fail eventually, the question is weather or not the taxpayers will incur more debt to forestall the inevitable.
something to chew on... Ben Stein was on one of the Sunday morning shows this last weekend and brought up a point I hadn't considered.

If the big 3 keep closing these factories, and eventually selling them off... it becomes a national security issue, because its these kinds of facilities that would be needed to build tanks, airplanes, humvees, etc. if the capacity were ever needed. to let them all shut down and close and fall into ruin would be bending even further over the barrel.

it isn't just as simple as all that. There's the entire supply chain that feeds these factories etc. etc.

do away with the unions that run these places, and stupid high exec pay, and you might get somewhere!

Imagine if there hadn't been a Dearborn factory in '43!


"do away with the unions that run these places, and stupid high exec pay, and you might get somewhere! "

That would be step #1 to a viable turn around. Either the UAW has to agree to concessions and the execs need to take pay cuts or these companies have to go. I'm not about my tax money being used to pay the absolutely ridiculous wages and salaries of those companies. Next, design and build cars at a quality level that people will buy, not the average crap they have been thinking is acceptable. Keep an eye on what the future may bring, and have designs ready to produce when the economy slides. (This is exactly what has killed them this time around, no thoughts or plans for the future.)

Chrysler's CEO said he would take a $1 a year salary if they got the bailout money. GM and Ford's CEO's made no such commitment. These CEO's keep blaming the credit crisis and not themselves for what's happening. I say these guys should be brought down to their knees. Any bailout money should come with a detailed new business plan/product line along with the resignation/firing of all the top management.
personally if they get bailed out the unions have to go. toyota builds cars here and they have no problems without unions. they just treat their employees better. there is no reason the american companies could do that

Unions are what is destroying American industry. They make it too expensive to build things here, and American companies have to move operations overseas to get away from it. When GM or somebody is building something in Mexico, it's not cause they're greedy and trying to line their pockets more, it's because the unions are so out of line, they have to try and cut costs to stay ahead, although lately with the economic downturn, it's becoming harder and harder.

Odd how U.S. car manufacturers have to move production out of the U.S. to save money, and japanese manufacturers and bringing prodution TO the U.S. to save money. They don't have unions to battle, and now they're saving the money they would spent on shipping the cars overseas.

The greed of the unions has to end. They whine and demand more money for something that doesn't deserve it. Then when they don't get their way, they strike, paralyzing the industry and costing their companies millions. They're more concerned about their own selfishness than the companies that support them, it's a ****ing joke. They should just call unions what they really are, organized crime.
It doesn't help that the Big 3 do not produce any good mainstream products. Look at Honda. When was the last time they produced a car line that was noted for being an unreliable piece of crap-1972?

One need look no further than the Chevy Cobalt to prove my point. They spent a lot of money developing a new small car platform. They changed the name because the name Cavalier had become synonymous with junk. But what do they do? They make a mediocre car that looks like a 1995 Cavalier. Why spend all that money developing a new car if it is not much different than the car it replaces? They succeeded in producing a better Cavalier, but if that was the benchmark they set the bar WAY too low!

The sad thing is that they actually have some nice looking cars now that are not too pricey. Mostly they are Saturns which are rebadged Opels and Vauxhalls. Sadly, even if they start building great cars today they have pissed off too many consumers. It would take 5-10 years of good competitive products to turn around public conceptions.

As for Ford, they will be bringing over the universally acclaimed Fiesta next year. I can't wait to see this car as it looks to be a really nice product at an entry level price. The thing is, will Americans pay Honda Fit money for a similarly sized Ford?
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