Hummer: More Green Than Prius?

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I'm not saying that Jews run the world or control the government or anything. I'm not talking about international banking conspiracies or that sort of thing.

However, about 2.5% of the American population is Jewish but both Democrats and Republicans view them as an essential demographic for elections. According to CNN exit polls from 2000, 4% of voters are Jewish - and 4% are gay but you don't see nearly the effort from both political parties to appease the homosexual vote.

So, my point is that relative to their numbers, Jews in America have disproportionate political influence. It's not a judgment call, it's just a fact.
🙂 🙂 Why do these types of conversations always end up with Jews?
Probably because to everyone who isn't Jewish and probably lots who are, Judaism is confusing.

In the modern world, there's nothing like it. Is it a race? A religion? A culture? Depending on the Jew, it's 1, 2, or all 3 of the above (or maybe none of the above).

I always laugh at people who had a single great-great-grandparent who was American Indian and go on and on about their Indian "culture and heritage" despite having 1/16th Indian blood and being lily-white.

However, by Mosaic law, having a Jewish great...grandmother a thousand years ago makes you as Jewish as Woody Allen if the line of ancestors from her to you is all female. You don't have to go to Temple, follow any laws, or even believe in God.

Also, as I mentioned, Jews in America have political influence disproportionate to their numbers. This is especially puzzling if you look at how persecuted Jews have been throughout history.
I have no idea . All i do know , is that these type conversations have wreaked more problems than they have ever solved . Extremely sensitive issues are always difficult to discuss . Its just a never ending circle , no matter how much research is done , somewhere along the line it still comes down to someones opinion..........per say . I refuse to involve myself or my opinions about the subjects because i have no interest what so ever . I am open minded and do not care what anyone else believes . Its none of my business . Its their right to do so , and i respect that . I am a Veteren and I fought in two different conflicts during my enlistment and Have seen alot of human life taken and have had to do so myself . Something that will walk with me day by day as long as i am on this earth . I made a choice to follow an oath i made and i did so . Given the choice , i wouldnt do it again . But , i will not whine as i know i cannot change it . It did however give me a different outlook . Right after i came back from deployment , i was assigned once to guard a demonstration where someone was burning an American Flag in protest . Again i kept my personal views out of it and did my job . Hard as that was , it was something that i defended as well when i took that oath . It was their right to do so , and i guarded them against some of my own because they had lost so many serving under that flag . That was difficult.......... but i respected their freedom . You have to take the good with the bad , even if you dont agree , its their right to do so. Thats the hard part . We cant all get along just when we agree , we have to do so when we disagree the most . Something my Grandfather told me when i was young stuck with me . "people need loving the most , when they deserve it the least ."
Megalodon 6, are you REALLY going to make me name 10 powerful Jews? Other than Greenspan, I would add Joe Lieberman, and this list I found in a Google search:
House (26 Jewish members):

Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.); Howard Berman (D-Calif.); Benjamin Cardin (D-Md.); Peter Deutsch (D-Fla.); Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.); Bob Filner (D-Calif.); Barney Frank (D-Mass.); Jon Fox (R-Pa.); Martin Frost (D-Texas), pending recount; Sam Gejdenson (D-Conn.); Benjamin Gilman (R-N.Y.); Jane Harman (D-Calif.); Tom Lantos (D-Calif.), pending recount; Sander Levin (D-Mich.); Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.); Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.); Steve Rothman (D-N.J.); Bernard Sanders (I-Vt.); Steven Schiff (R-N.M.); Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.); Brad Sherman (D-Calif.); Norman Sisisky (D-Va.); Henry Waxman (D-Calif.); Robert Wexler (D-Fla.); Sidney Yates (D-Ill.)

Source:The Jewish News Weekly of Northern California

Once again I will state I have no feelings of antisemitism, and hate no one based purely on religion, race, etc. For me to hate someone, they need to offend me in some way first as I judge by the individual, not some trait that may or may not be genetic in origin. For example, I dislike Barack Obama because he is a Marxist, not because he is of African descent, nor that his father was a Muslim. (If you do not think he is a Marxist, read the Communist Manifesto and compare it to positions he has taken in the past.) I am judging him by his choices and political stances and not on his race or religion.
i don't believe that anyone here is an anti-semite. but i believe that the more people spread/listen to propaganda like "the jews are taking over" crap, the worse things become, and the more people believe it. despite evidence to the contrary. that's why i often defend jews AND muslims.
kudos 85cutlass! you're the first person to figure that out. but i'm guessing that you had to look it up, my point was that they're not all that common nor acting as king makers around the world. they are more prevalent then i thought though.
gessie: the true, original, sects of judaism do not accept converts. that's why you have to be born of a jewish woman. you also have to prove that lineage, but i forget the name of the document. technically judaism is a religion, and hebrew is the race but you're right that in reality, it is a race, religion and inherent culture. but like catholicism, if your parents don't practice and you didn't attend certain ceremonies the synagogue won't accept you. at least until you fulfill them.
tony: 33% christian +16%muslim +.22%jewish=49.22% by my math that's less than 50% however, i rechecked my posts and i did screw up. after i said
you do realize that the majority of the world does not believe in god right?
i then clarified it by saying "especially not the j/c/m god. that infers that i included multi-theistic religions. therefore it would be far over 50%. not what i meant to say, but what i did say.
eddie: definately the person with the most common sense here. and thank you, both for your post and especially for your service. what branch were you in?
not to be an *******, (but i have to) you admit when you're wrong? riiight according to you my front sway bar is a 1 1/6 even though i proved it wasn't. and that's just one thing from that arguement.
and i don't have a version of history, if i can't remember the facts, i look them up.
Your numbers are still off.

Christians 33.32% (of which Roman Catholics 16.99%, Protestants 5.78%, Orthodox 3.53%, Anglicans 1.25%), Muslims 21.01%, Hindus 13.26%, Buddhists 5.84%, Sikhs 0.35%, Jews 0.23%, Baha'is 0.12%,other religions 11.78%, non-religious 11.77%, atheists 2.32%(2007 est.) ... nt/xx.html

And the sway bar thing again? For the record I did say the F41 bar was 1 1/16" because that was in fact the size of the front sway off my factory F41 equipped 79 Monte. I went the info I knew was correct instead of assuming anything. Now when you confirmed that the F41 bar was 1 1/4" on your Monte SS I did not dispute it, I simply said:

I measured the F41 bar thats sitting in my garage using a c-clamp, then measured the gap and honest to god it is a dead on 1 1/16", and the one on my malibu (non F41) is a 1" even. The F41 I had is off my 79 Monte, it came factory with the F41 package. Now its quite possible that the F41 is 1 1/4 with the 83-88 SS package, its hard to tell from your tape measure and pics. Either way, both perform ok, for stock and IMO are ideal for stock spring rates. Again, there's still the inferior undersized rear sway bar that needs replacing.
megaladon ,

I was in the Army . Had Several Jobs . Started as a 12B Combat Engineer . Ended up 92nd Chemical Running op's in a Fox Vehicle . Working Guard with the MP'S dealing with POW'S . Working check points to retrieving/disarming all explosive devices . Also got to do some wrenching on some cool sh*t ! :twisted: When you ( as you always are ) Attached as a support group For an infantry division ( 3rd ) You go and do what they need you too . And get lots of " ON THE JOB TRAINING " hmmmmmmmmmm Oh , and by the way , you are very welcome .
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