Hummer: More Green Than Prius?

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Royal Smart Person
Aug 15, 2007
Bismarck North Dakota
has anyone seen a car here???? :lol:


Royal Smart Person
May 13, 2007
Pratt, KS
haha shouldnt an admin have stepped in a while ago and shut this down? just curious


Site Admin
Feb 25, 2005
Rolla, MO
78mali350 said:
haha shouldnt an admin have stepped in a while ago and shut this down? just curious
The thought had crossed my mind :D Yeah, lets keep the religious stuff out of it. It was getting a little dicey there for a while. Any more and I probably will lock it.... reluctantly (hate having to do that)


Comic Book Super Hero
May 29, 2006
Danbury, CT
:oops: sorry guys mea maxima culpa
i know that my jetta TDI is optimized for mileage at 60mph, i wonder what the hybrids are set for? IIRC many cars are setup like mine, quite often for higher speeds (a guy at work get the best MPG at 70mph with his audi) so if some idiot is "hypermilling" below the speed limit, backroads 30mph or highway, i wonder how much he's losing.


Mar 27, 2007
megaladon6 said:
so if some idiot is "hypermilling" below the speed limit, backroads 30mph or highway, i wonder how much he's losing.

Their not losing anything. Hypermiling (with a hybrid) can acheive results at any speed. THe main thing is using the gas motor as LITTLE as possible so it is not speed that dictates your results.
Hypermilling is best used with a standard and further with a Hybrid. Pulse and glide with a hybrid is when they only use the engine to accelerate to a speed and then it glides on the electric motor most of the time but you have to be aware of what the car is driving from (engine or electric motor) and keeping an eye on the gauges to do it well.
On a NON-Hybrid one thing they will do is shove the car in the neutral portion (easier done on a standard of course), and glide while the car is at idle RPM, especially on hills. Some of them even turn their engines off and glide all the way to a stop.
Some of what they do is, i consider, somewhat dangerous especially for my tastes like drafting and turning your car off, not for the faint of heart. But it does work and they can average as high as 80-90 MPG in a Hybrid. I have seen someone get 94 MPG on a trip with their prius.

Check this out if you are interested in learning more of these techniques.
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
What kind of boring person obsesses that much about fuel economy to do hypermilling? I bet chicks really dig a guy who does that. :lol:

I have done it on occasion when I was almost out of gas and desperately trying to make it to a gas station, but doing it simply to save a few dollars makes you a very boring person.


Royal Smart Person
Aug 15, 2007
Bismarck North Dakota
hypermilling.... :lol: what is that??? Sounds like something I do with my blender!?


Mar 27, 2007
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
What kind of boring person obsesses that much about fuel economy to do hypermilling? I bet chicks really dig a guy who does that. :lol:

I have done it on occasion when I was almost out of gas and desperately trying to make it to a gas station, but doing it simply to save a few dollars makes you a very boring person.

I think they are considered frugal people. Frankly for myself, if a chick wasn't the least bit open minded and smart enough to discuss any of this, I would find her boring.
Considering you can get possibly 80+ MPG (in a Hybrid), I think you are saving more than a few dollars and it adds up over time. And any small savings is worth it considering the price of gas now.
Driving with some of these extreme Hypermilers is anything BUT boring, sometimes you seemingly hold on for dear life. Again, some of it is, what i consider too extreme.

This has turned into a great post. Interesting that it fired up the religion aspect in people.


Master Mechanic
Feb 15, 2008
San Diego
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
What kind of boring person obsesses that much about fuel economy to do hypermilling? I bet chicks really dig a guy who does that. :lol:

I have done it on occasion when I was almost out of gas and desperately trying to make it to a gas station, but doing it simply to save a few dollars makes you a very boring person.

Some of the "hypermiling" stuff is dangerous (drafting on the highway, turning your engine off on the highway) or ridiculous.

However, a lot of the more normal techniques to get better fuel economy are valid. I get 20%-30% over EPA estimates in my Chrysler by doing things like coasting between stoplights or downhills and gentle accelerations and braking. It's more than a few dollars - for me (since I don't drive that much) it's around $200 per year.
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