Insurance Companies purchase of Police Radar guns.

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Clone TIE Pilot

Comic Book Super Hero
Aug 14, 2011
Galaxy far far away
Why bother with radar guns? Police officers don't need any of those newfangled gizmos to determine if a car was speeding. In accordance with the 2010 Supreme Court ruling, the visual estimate of an experienced police officer is enough to convict anyone of speeding, without the need for pesky wastes of time like independent verification and evidence. You can still be ticketed for driving at the limit due to weather conditions at the officer's discretion.

I don't like to speed, but since both NJ and PA traffic speeds like crazy it can force one to speed. Even in the slow lane, tractor-trailers do 75 on a 55 highway in the slow lane. If you try to go 55 on a NJ highway you will end up in the grill of a truck. Traffic safety research shows there are fewer crashes if the bulk of cars are driving consistently at around the same speed – even if it’s above the limit – than if a few faster cars are weaving though traffic, constantly changing lanes and passing other cars. So, maintaining the flow of traffic is a good idea – but it won’t get you out of a speeding ticket, it is a paradox.

Most speeders are not late or short on time, the leave home earlier is a fallacy blanket excuse cops often use to subject the little people. In reality, most speeders are just inpatient, leaving home earlier is not their problem or fix. Other than not speeding, the best thing to do is drive a non-flashy car and stay in the middile of a group (or school) or speeders. Cops can't pull over a whole group and will usually target either the fastest car, the last car in the school, or a car that sticks out like a bright red one. Anything that makes your car stick out will increase your chance of being pulled over, even if you really are not breaking any laws. Loud exhaust, bright or unusual colors, flashy, sporty, unusually model, etc. That is not to say cops usually pick out showy cars on purpose, those type of cars just get noticed more which can be bad.


May 30, 2012
Ontario Canada
pontiacgp said:
GP403 said:
pontiacgp said:
that's a nice idea, I never thought of the police scanner

do your research first on if its legal to carry in the car, even if it is, you could still run afoul of roscoe's who don't understand. It also helps that I'm a card carrying amateur radio operator and can flip it over to those frequencies if needed :mrgreen: ... which makes it 100% legal everywhere.

Then there's Canada and I have no idea.

It's legal as long as the communication is not encrypted. If it encrypted it's considered a private communication. The law is you can't do something for personal gain or obstruct police with the information you have received.

Ya in Canada you can listen on the frequencies just cant talk on them.


Royal Smart Person
Feb 25, 2011
Medina Ohio
My 2 cents, it's all a scam. The people with the power and money just want more and they will go to any lengths to make sure they get it, and where do they get it from? From us! We exist solely to give them our money because they can never have enough. Nobody with money cares about any of us in the least. We are nothing but pawns in their greedy little games.

P.S. Getting a ticket for going 5 mph over the speed limit or other ticky tacky infractions ( like not coming to a COMPLETE stop at a stop sign in the middle of nowhere at 3AM ) is lame. Cops should have more meaningfull things to do than this sort of petty BS all in the guise of just trying to make it safer for everyone because they care. They do care. They care about taking your money whether you did anything wrong or not.


Apr 25, 2009
Clone TIE Pilot said:
Why bother with radar guns? Police officers don't need any of those newfangled gizmos to determine if a car was speeding. In accordance with the 2010 Supreme Court ruling, the visual estimate of an experienced police officer is enough to convict anyone of speeding, without the need for pesky wastes of time like independent verification and evidence. You can still be ticketed for driving at the limit due to weather conditions at the officer's discretion.
It gets worse than that. In '99 I got a careless driving ticket based on an officer's testimony that he "heard me speeding". No joke. He had no clear line of sight and I truly wasn't speeding. I took it to court and got it dismissed. The fine would have been $395 and the attorney cost me $1200 to beat it. Loud pipes may save lives but certainly don't save you any money.
Granted, there's been plenty of times I probably deserved tickets and didn't get them. But still; "heard me speeding"? That's practically like being convicted of a thought crime.


G-Body Guru
Oct 28, 2010
pontiacgp said:
Here they will nail you 10 kilometers over the limit. That's 6 mph. The insurance companies don't care of you get nailed for 10 or 30 over. I know of someone who got 3 tickets in about a year and 1/2, all for 10 kilometers over and his insurance went up almost 2 grand. That is bs, It's a scam and that's all it is

That just makes my blood boil!

I have heard from more than a few experienced cops, that handing out a ticket for 10 over is a douche thing to do. Everyone knows it, including the guys in uniform. If you look at all official statements like boards showing speeding fines, they start at 20over.

Its an acceptable rate of speed for the passing lane, and "benefit of doubt" for vehicle spedometer error.

I have done 10 over next to OPP many times on the highway, and they havent had an issue with it.


G-Body Guru
Mar 14, 2007
Margate, UK>
Each and every man on the road is the best driver EVER in their own estimation. Women tend not to overestimate their driving skills. Which sex has the most excessive speed related accidents?, answers on a postcard please......

I like to drive as fast as I can sometimes, that's what track days are for.


Clone TIE Pilot

Comic Book Super Hero
Aug 14, 2011
Galaxy far far away
rustyroger said:
Each and every man on the road is the best driver EVER in their own estimation. Women tend not to overestimate their driving skills. Which sex has the most excessive speed related accidents?, answers on a postcard please......

I like to drive as fast as I can sometimes, that's what track days are for.


Funny thing is women drivers cut me me off alot more often than male drivers.
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