IROC Wagon Project

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ssbrewskyaz said:
Hey Jack,

One of the cool things about a hand brake is the control a person can have over the car. That's kinda what the drifters use. If you've ever driven a front wheel drive car in snow or ice and grabbed a handful of the park brake, you can literally turn the car in circles or at least 180 around. Not what I plan to do with the car but always like to keep my options open.

On another note, the run channel for a Caprice wagon is made from basically the same material as a Malibu but the Caprice wagon glass is smaller? I know, that's what I said. I have one NOS front window run channel for a Malibu and I purchased a set of after-market Caprice wagon run channel. The long side (up and down) was the same length. Across the top however was several inches too short on the Caprice wagon run channel. (photo attached - Malibu run channel on the top)

I have some photos, started to post it all then lost power and lost all my work. Just haven't had the gumption to do it all over again. Does make me wonder though if a regular Caprice window would be the same size. Don't really have the budget to keep buying parts to find out but I'm in the same boat as everyone else, my run channel is shot. I am considering sending my NOS piece to Rubber Done the Right Way to determine if they can build us what we need. ...

Scott, ... :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :?
I do understand the advantage of having the center mounted handbrake. I have driven front wheel drive cars in the snow and ice, and aside from having a manual trans car, the handbrake was beneficial. I could see how they would also be used in drifting, much like using handbrakes in sand rails and dune buggies for the ability to turn or steer with limited use of the steering wheel. Were you able to find the F-body brake cable brackets that you were looking for?

I'm really surprised to hear that the Caprice windows are smaller than the Malibu's. You would think, larger car-larger windows. I guess that's not the case here. However, I'm not surprised that the Caprice channel is made using the same stuff as the Malibu. I appreciate all the information and research that you've provided thus far.
I've never heard about the company Rubber Done Right. I would be interested in seeing how they would be able to match the OEM part...and what the cost would be. :?
Looking at my old dried out window channel, what's left of them, they appear to use two different size channels that are bonded together. I initially considered using one length per side, and pie cutting, or notching the corners to be able to keep them all one piece.
This topic alone could take up a whole thread.
Jack, I installed the F body handbrake and it wasn't that hard to set up. I thought I might get confused if I had 4 pedals to chose from so I got rid of the parking brake pedal. :mrgreen:
pontiacgp said:
Jack, I installed the F body handbrake and it wasn't that hard to set up. I thought I might get confused if I had 4 pedals to chose from so I got rid of the parking brake pedal. :mrgreen:
I might consider doing it. Is there any particular years to look for, or are they pretty much universal? Does it use the F-body cable(s), or can the Malibu/ G-body cable suffice?
Did you also use the bracket(s) that Scott is looking for?
I got the set up out of a 4th gen camaro. I cut a ledge into the channel that comes over the hump. Welded a plate onto the channel and hump to mount the stock bracket on. Drilled a hole in the tunnel to feed the cable, fabricated a bracket to secure the cable where it meets the two cables that go to the wheels and welded that bracket in place. I had a problem with the drive shaft hit the bracket when the rear suspension compressed but I fixed that with my favorite fabrication tool, the hammer. I have my car lowered and didn't think the bracket would interfere so I would make it slightly different if I was to redo it. I used the stock parking brake cables from a 4th gen camaro. The adjustment for the tension on the brake cable in in the handle mechanism so it nicely adjusts itself each time you use it.
If I wasn't such a crappy welder I probably could have had this done in a lot less time. I spend more time grinding my welds to make them look reasonably proficient than I do actually welding. By the same token, I don't get a lot of practice either. Be that as it may, I did get the brake handle mounted today, now I'm going to go back next week and build some adjustment into it by elongating the holes.

Didn’t take photos of the console mods today because I had to change a bunch of stuff to clear the brake handle. I'll damn sure be glad when I can move on to something a little more interesting but I realize this needs to be done right. Just glad my morphodite mounting mess will be covered up with paint and a center console. ...

Scott, ... :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :blam:


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So for anyone that's interested, here's the differance between a stock 200R drive shaft and how much needs to be hacked off to fit the Borg Warner T5 Manual box. Was more or less checking the park brake cable clearances around the driveshaft so I'll use it as a reference point to either find another piece or have an original shortened.

Nice to see I got good penetration on the console bracket welds. No, not showing the welds because they're ugly. I also decided I wasn't gonna waste any more time grinding and filling either. Chevrolet spot welded the stupid things in, I have the brackets welded on three sides plus some plug welds. Really not gonna loose any sleep about the console coming out. ...

Scott, ... :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :wink:


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I have pondered doing this also, just for the foot room to be honest. The wagons don't have alot of it, lol. I also am kinda digging the 3rd gen console in there, though it doesn't look to match up to the Malibu/Monte dash without some mods. I have a GP dash in mine, I may have to buy on of those third gen consoles and try it out. I really wanted my HVAC stuff in the console.

Keep the pics coming, you are making more progress than me, lol. 😀
Totally Awesome Build & very Nice shop also ! I am moving to Az pretty soon too originally from SoCal & now in SE OK & can not hang with the weather here, I was wondering are going to put an IROC nose on it ? I think Lauren engineering makes one & what are to going use as a rear bumper ? Roll pan ?
Thanks Adam,

Not using an IROC front end, I have a quad lamp setup with a lower splitter and the traditional egg crate grille. Bumpers front and rear are narrowed. The rear bumper has a license plate pocket fabricated into it. Bumper bolts are all hidden and no rubber strips. I still have a lot of finish work to do on these before I'd even feel comfortable letting the chrome shop hands take over. The bumper backiron is all the aluminum stuff.

Still need to get closer to the install before I can determine what length aluminum bumper shock replacements I'll need. I want to set both of the bumpers back, and as close to the body as possible i.e. won't pass the five mph crash test.

Scott, ... :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :wink:
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