Fundamentally, what you are asking can be done but would be very tedious and time consuming. It would be much simpler to keep your existing Regal harness intact as much as possible and just try to control the engine and transmission with the Vortec harness. If you get rid of the unnecessary stuff (stuff already performed by you existing harness) in the Vortec harness you only need those connections specified here
In reality, all the new power connections are really only two connections to your existing electrical system-- either HOT ALL THE TIME (BATT) or HOT DURING START/RUN. The HOT DURING START/RUN can be obtained through the Regal's ignition circuit by use of a relay.
In reality, all the new power connections are really only two connections to your existing electrical system-- either HOT ALL THE TIME (BATT) or HOT DURING START/RUN. The HOT DURING START/RUN can be obtained through the Regal's ignition circuit by use of a relay.