Morals- What happened to them? Rant

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megaladon6 said:
That's why I'm working towards gaining my BS in political science, get into the military as an officer, and become involved in politics.
yeah, great, just what we ****in need. another god damn useless political ******* in the military. nothing personal, and i have nothing against you, but politics DOES NOT BELONG IN THE MILITARY!!!!! this is why the modern military sucks. our so called leaders worry more about their political careers than the troops under them, and more about their future careers than the safety of our country. they also pay more attention to politics than military capability and methodology.

politics may not belong in the military, but I believe that military belongs in politics....

mega, I don't think he was talking about changing the military while inside, but I believe the experience FROM the military will help him in the political field...those that have served, will understand what I'm talking about....
well i don't know about you, but i joined to serve my country, and to in some small way pay for my freedoms. not so that i could gain power. from his statements i can only assume that the military is a means to an end, not a service, and there's far too much of that.
I joined the Navy because I was out of options. And to pick up chicks. The chick part didn't work. Turned out girls weren't too fond of drunken sailors for some reason.
When i mentioned that megalodon, I was referring to what evilregal was talking about. My belief is that we need to take all these politicians, hand them a rifle and dump them over in the middle east. Then they come back and lets see how their beliefs change. I'm not looking towards the military as a means to an end. Both my parents were navy, met in a bar, and got married. It breaks my heart looking at the military now because it has become more corporate than tradition. It is no longer the great brotherhood it once was and now you have to watch out for yourself because the second you do something wrong someone is there to stab you in the back. Hell my old man was a PO1 (Petty officer first class for those who don't know) for 14 damn years. Even went and picked up his degree to try and make chief and still didn't get it because he had some asswipe in NDT school who didn't like him.

Military belongs in politics. Yes I want to fight for my freedoms, but at the same time being a politician later will help those who do serve cause I feel that there is no voice for the military anymore. The VA dept. has become a joke and operates like a bunch of monkeys in a box. I had a full ride navy scholarship to be here in the corp of cadets at Texas A&M but left because it operated like a frat. Found out two months later they took all my fish buddies off campus, beat the sh*t out of them and left them there. Thank god the 3 star general walked by and saw them limping back to the barracks. Now my old outfit is being disbanded. I'm sorry but America in all aspects, has really lost touch with our founding morals and beliefs.
i stand corrected. my statements still stand but don't consider them to apply to you in any way.
what got me was the poli sci major, and politics. like i said, i see too many officers who join just to put it on their resume when they try for congress or what not. they ignore basic leadership principles and probably can't even read the code of honor expected of them.
for anyone who's ever served, and especially for anyone going in, read Heinlein's "starship troopers" it is nothing like the movie :x but is one of the greatest explanations of what the military should be, especially the people in it. and it's probably the best way to explain the military to a civilian.
it's also interesting that it was written in the 50's, but when they discuss the downfall of the US it sounds like the 80's and 90's.
Quite common to come across a butter bar smart *ss who doesn't have a clue on how to operate his dept. Remember my old man, his rating was HT or hull tech, telling me how he had a butter bar order him to cut one of the lines onboard a sub. He tried explaining, with his head chief standing there, that the line he was about to cut was a freon line for the entire sub. Again, the butter bar ordered it and my old man looks at the chief like "wtf do I do". Chief just told him "just cut the damn thing". Lets say the day ended with the sub being evacuated and over half the crew being exposed to high freon levels.
Due to me falling into this age group, I'll throw in my .02 about this.

Back in high school (only a year ago) I saw kids that were not doing anything with thier life. Now I'm not by any means a gift from god as a student, but I did respect my teachers and give two sh*ts about school. I saw kids nearly getting phyical with the teachers, had no job, and drove mommy and daddy's car around. And they did not pay for insurance, gas, or heaven forbid a car payment. Now there is many kids that due pay thier respects, but I saw more and more kids becoming more disrespectful and lazy. I don't think every kid of this generation has a lazy attitude or no drive, but we are seeing more and more of these kids emerage.
Heck I remeber some kid wanted to know if I would like to sit back and smoke with his MOM! Little to friendly of a Mom if you ask me.

Ok, I'm done!
To all the "kids" on the board, even though none of you really are kids:
GET MAD at those kids who have life handed to them. be disgusted. look at them and decide that you never want to be like them, and that you never want your kids to be like them. the world needs people like them, because people like you and i need something to keep us aligned towards our goals in life.

i'm 26, and when i was in high school, it was the same sh*t. rich kids had the best cars and the best drugs, but no appreciation for either. well, remember that hot girl that liked to shake her tail to get what she wanted? well guess who stood in the corner at our five year reunion drinking with the other "used to be cools" because they were too embarrassed to talk to the "losers" like myself and my wife who worked for everything that they have, and now have REALLY nice cars of their own, along with good jobs and degrees from real colleges that can be used for something other than managing a mcdonalds. nobody in the "cool crowd" knew how to get what the wanted for themselves, and no parent of a twentysomething wants to support their adult children. guess where that leaves them. shitty apartments with jobs waiting tables or delivering furniture. the kids that had to work for what they had, and still had nothing were the ones that were strong and confident individuals who had a lot to be proud of. i was the kid in high school with the green hair and the leather jacket that all those kids made fun of, and in the end the joke was on them. here i sit, a navy veteran with my GED and no other formal education, and i own my own house, have a wonderful loving family, and a great job, in which i will be advancing rapidly.

another perfect example is my brother. my mother thought she ****ed up with her first two sons, so she decided to baby the third. he's 22 now, and is in his 3rd year of a 2 year community college, and he already got his associates degree. he WAS at a very prestigious university, but didn't like it, so now he's wasting his life and money on college credits that he can never use while his friend that he started college with is making about 80-85k per year (if not more) for raytheon after finishing the same program my brother dropped out of because nobody had ever challenged him before.

nobody ever taught these people that you have to work for what you get. and like i said before, the world needs people like that. the world still needs ditchdiggers!

the long and the short of it is, get mad, be upset, but get over it. let that anger help make you who you want to be. don't be jealous of what they have. trust me, you don't want it.
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