Some updates. Added a TRZ anti-roll bar, double adjustable lower control arms, spherical upper control arm bearings, TRZ adjustable spring perches, 12" x 125lbs coil over springs, Viking double adjustable shocks. Got the ride height and pinion angle where I want it.
2018-04-10_05-38-55 by Kirt Squires, on Flickr
2018-04-10_05-37-18 by Kirt Squires, on Flickr
2018-04-10_05-38-16 by Kirt Squires, on Flickr
2018-04-10_05-38-55[/url] by Kirt Squires, on Flickr[/IMG]
2018-04-10_05-37-32 by Kirt Squires, on Flickr