My checklist I would do
Battery voltage
Battery connections positive and negative.. check at battery and starter? Clean any corrosion
If I have power on all other crcuits I would start focusing on the ignition wire to the dizzy provided there is not an aftermarket shifter (neutral safety switch) learned that the hard way at 17. Took the whole afternoon. Lol
You said you lost the heater motor and ignition at the same time I don't think they have a common connection, but if the they run next to eachother any wher they could be melted on manifold, mouse chewed thru them, etc..
The distributor turn because of the gear driven off the cam. No spark without 12 volts to the distributor. If you have 12 volt with no spark I would chang the moduel insde the distributor (its under the mechanical advanced) could be a bad coil.
But if your having intermitten power supply problemes id run my own(just remember power should be supplied with the key in the start position and the on position but not in the off position