GP403 said:pontiacgp said:You are born with rights and obtain privileges as you go through life. If it is your right to drive then I guess you're good to go with unsafe car while smoking a joint after you drank a case of beer
Ah, yes, but with rights come responsibilities, the other side of the coin we usually don't want to look at.... and with that I will be moving this into Off-topic btw.
How obvious is it that we have responsibilities to protect our rights in anything like a civilised society?.
I find it hard to believe that anyone using this forum can seriously suggest that we have a right to travel unchecked wherever we please in the modern world.
In the days of animal drawn traffic it didn't matter if the people travelling were insensible with drink or whatever. However even in frontier towns (once they had got some semblance of order) the citizens and especially marshals would check out who might be travelling to their town, and could well refuse entry to those they regarded as undesirables. More realistically they would give them time to rest their horses and get something to eat, with the instruction to gone as soon as possible. John Wayne telling the bad guy to "Be outta town by sundown" is a bit of a cliché but has a background of truth.
This applies to Europe as well as North America, no doubt to civilisations in other parts of the world in history too, such as the Indian (Asian) empire, the ancient Greeks and Romans and China.
Now we have people propelling two ton masses of metal at speed down our highways. They are our highways, paid for with our taxes, they do not belong to governments, the police, highway authorities or anyone else. Ok technically British roads belong to the reigning monarch but Her Majesty has quite enough sense not to press this point.
Because we all share the roads, and they are busy with traffic we have laws regarding how we may use it. We are required to drive in a safe manner in a roadworthy vehicle, with valid insurance against causing injury to others. We are also required to be fit to drive, both medically and not impaired through alcohol or other drugs.
Over here refusal to submit to an impairment test results in the same penalties as failing one, quite rightly in my view. Why anyone should think that the authorities are being oppressive by requesting a sobriety test beats me, perhaps it's a bit much saying we must stop at a red light or have efficient brakes too.
We are not allowed to walk around in public naked, cause a disturbance in public places, or behave in a number of other ways that are considered antisocial. We have a RESPONSIBILITY to behave in acceptable manner, in order that we may enjoy our RIGHT to be citizens of the free world.
We have a RESONSIBILITY to use the highways in a safe manner in order to enjoy our RIGHT to travel where we want to.