Our father God and Savior Christ

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Yes jews BELEIVE in Jesus,
not in any religious manner. yes they believe there may have been a person named jesus. that's it. to quote one rabbi "yes i believe jesus existed, he was a nice jewish boy from a good family." lol he was being asked something about christmas FWIW
so god had to send an angel? he couldn't do it himself? and again, why did he have to test abraham? and it's not like that was the only sacrifice demanded by god, throughout the bible.
and for tests, i always loved job. seriously? god makes a bet with lucifer that he can just sh*t all over one of his followers?
i wish there was some other way to say this, but god really sounds like a drunken ******* sometimes.
that is why religion is dumb to fight about and shouldnt be posted on a site like this. Its impossible for the human mind to be capable to know if a god exists or not. its the people who push their retarted beliefs on other people and think they KNOW god did this when they are no different then me.

For all your information christianity, religion is a lot less consistant in the rest of the world then it is here in the states. Just look at any chart, graph, you want to and it will show that I am correct. Sweden for instance has roughly 10% of the population that believes they are religous. France roughly half believe in god while another 25% only believe in christianity like ideas. Dont get me started on England, or Germany where the figures drop even more. Asia is not even worth mentioning. Couple this with the 60% of idiot americans who still believe in old relic like ways, but as i said before people who beleive in this nonsense are slowly but surely being erased as less and less people go to church. I for one dont need a book, a church to tell me how to run my life or how to run my marriage like my friends went through when they walked down their isles which was a joke. I know what it means to be a good person, lead a good morals. I dont need a spark in the sky or a rock with words on it to tell me how to be good. Its pathetic how people think it does. Do you think cave man believed in morals, or in good deeds. Hell no the first humans were not adam and eve, they were dudes and ladies ****ing everytime they could, the knew how to eat, and run around bashing things with rocks and logs.
Sorry, I don't believe in fiery tales.
megaladon6 said:
yeah, why would anyone want to get rid of christianity. just because the church is apparently filled with and has a history of pedophiles, liars, adulterers, money lenders, warmongerers
when the church can actually follow it's own rules, maybe i'll have some respect. till then lets stick to cars

Whistle, Whistle, here, here.

Well lets look at it this way.
The bible came from the age of Constantine, a pagan whom for years killed Christians.
He commissions this absolute book, with people whom he chooses to do it with.
They pick from writings the ones that suit THEIR needs as to the truth. Which can be said as, One Empire, One Emperor and now only ONE way into heaven, which they found what writings they liked to support it.
Once written this pagan goes back killing Christians.

In the old Testament it is said, I am the only God etc etc etc
We are also told Satan will pull the ultimate deception onto mankind and this will lead us to the end.

Well ya got the pagan whom commissions this book.
Loopholes are used by every form of Christianity as to why when THEY do things wrongs its allowed by various forms of lines found in the bible and the ultimate ideal of ones whom believe whole heartily in Jesus etc etc etc, no matter what happens will be allowed to pass.

What is Christianity looking at it knowing all this,
Satans ultimate deception of MANKIND, the end is near!!
i think the ultimate deception was god saying we had free will. riiiight! or like i said before, everyone has the 2 backwards and god is the evil one, lucifer the good one.

For anyone who is actually willing to give christianity a chance there is a great write up on this site, written by scholars and skeptics using historical facts. It looks at ALL sides of the story. Check it out, you have nothing to loose and everything to gain!
28 known today as historical writers existed during this time.
22 within a close enough range to know what was happening within their regions.
Only one may have even mentioned this miracle maker.
Most Christians chastise Mormons because they cannot come up with objects that supposedly exist, kinda the same thing we have seen before.
Saul wrote most of the new testament, but did not live during that time.
Yet writings that were hidden from Roman's that were trying to murder every Jew it could find 68ADish, close to this miracle event, while they do say this man lived in some of the writings, he was only a man. And those writings that support a man, just a man, nothing special written much closer to the age of events were discarded for ones written later which could be deemed as no more than hearsay.
Funny how 330+ years after these events are supposedly accomplished, a group or Roman supported preachers, none really from the east of elsewhere elects what is allowed and what is not.

A previous poster makes a good point.
God is written as a jealous, cruel and wicked man, yet Satan the one that is suppose to be evil and more characteristic of such doesn't appear to be the bad guy.

Now beyond that, even the old testament isn't beyond some thought.
Ancient Asians told many a story that are very similar to what we read in the bible.
Creation of man is similar and the snake ain't the bad guy.
Eve was not the first woman given to Adam. both in Asian writing and what is also found in the scrolls tells us the first woman would not get on her back to Adam, she thought it should be the other way and was punished by God and the beginning of the wicked creatures of night. Now know as Vampires etc.

Funny much of the bible can not be supported by other historical whatevers and also parts can be very well explained.

People whom do not know, or have not experienced much when faced with disasters etc believe god was at hand for it.
Also funny is that much of the bible is just showing us these disasters have taken place, these people were scared and blamed a god for it, when now science can easily explain alot of it.

Points made about how man should act, treat others etc are just good moral ideas and true.
We all are created equal, no body was born to be more, just greed and corruption molds us to be more and the bible brings all these ideals to light, yet satan is just something that gets blamed for it, yet what we do know says he fought God and to these things being wrong to bring fourth.

Ah, all better!!!

I have to highly educated Born Agains bible college grads, one Elder of Witnesses and hoards of Mormons trying to convert me and I give them the same type arguements. Want to convert me, PROVE what you speak of is 100% truth, show me you can 100% adhere to the teachings and produce the Ark's and other artifacts!!
If not, give up this posting of crap.
Religion and Politics are the most corrupt areas of anyone lives and this is a G Body forum, for car people, about cars and not this other crap!!!
If I truly believed, I would not own a car that was just for play, bible teaches us against it, thumpers!!! Ooops, broke one of your teachings allready!!! :wink: :wink: :blam: :blam:
And the internet would be the devils tool too!!!!!

Now is not, its technology and we are constantly learning and EVOLVING us energy filled carbon forms!!

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