pencero said:Clearly these parameters are mildly obsessive compulsive and you will most likely find yourself unable to make an honest color choice without removing the entire interior and looking at the body with all of it out of sight. Most likely the pieces will never find their way back into the car if you continue to be able to buy stuff then. Did you consider different shades of the colors you hate. Like graphite grey, baby blue, blue over grey, etc... The colors you hate are all the only colors that would work w the blue interior is really the problem.
Pulling the interior is not an option until i find the pieces i need.i need to replace the sun beaten plastic parts.ive got a chip book ive been looking at.been checkin out other cars,just nothing has popped out and said im your color yet.kinda figured if friends and people that idont know had some ideas,i might find something that says im your color.