Honestly, It is very hard to describe how to adjust those carbs. I am not an expert on them by any means, and my advice could make it worse instead of better. Plus, the tools required to adjust it are not normal, and you have to get them from Snap On or Mac. I think the original O2 sensor was not bad, as evidenced by the readings of the new one. To adjust the TPS, you need to drill a small hole beside a small plug that covers the adjuster, then try to pop it out with a hook shaped pic. Then, you need a special tool to set it up right. A normal screwdriver, pliers, socket, etc will not fit down in the hole. It's a GM only tool. I never set my own up, I always paid $20 to a carb guy to do it for me. I have not run a computer carb on my Cutlass since 1997, so I wouldn't even know where to get the tools, if I could get them. Try Napa if you must do it yourself. If you want to try to adjust the air bleed screw, take off the air filter housing and then look at the carb. At the top of the center of the air horn, there will be a small metal plate that is round for most of it, but has tabs that come off of it. It is retained by 2 small pop rivets on the sides. Get those rivets off and underneath is the air bleed screw. This adjusts the idle mixture. Tighten it to richen it, loosen it to lean it out.
Now, the manual says that a code 45 means the ECM has seen:
High Oxygen Sensor Voltage
More than Specified time ( about 2 minutes)
Above a Specified TPS value
Closed loop
Oh, here's an important one: Does the MC Solenoid click rapidly when you turn on the ignition key ( engine off)?
The rest of the test procedure involves a Dwell meter, something that not too many people have, or at least I don't. I am not even that sure what it is as I have only ever seen them in terms of points ignitions. I think it measures the oscillation speed of the M/C solenoid and other such items, so maybe an oscilliscope would be a substitute? Perhaps a geiger counter wired without the gieger mueller tube?
Now, extrapolating what I can from the manual, I would check for major vacuum leaks, check that the M/C solenoid is working, etc. Now I will read the procedure from the other fault and post my findings to see if there is a correlation. I'll put that in another post.