Well it wouldn't be an alternator problem. I used the brackets off of the 307, and therefore the alternator off of the 307.
I am not running headers on the motor. Just the factory manifolds. It is an old original started that came with the 307 when I got it a couple years back. I have been thinking about replacing it with a high torque mini starter. Hoping it would clear up my problem.
But after I drove it on the interstate, the car ran just fine. Didn't overheat or try to stall at stoplights. I got home, pulled in the driveway, and shut the car off. I sat there about 30 seconds and tried to start the car back up. It slowly turned over a few times, but didnt start. A few minutes later I came outside and tried to start it, and it started up.... Slowly.
So I am thinking about a mini starter or maybe a heat shield. Am I headed in the right direction?
I am not running headers on the motor. Just the factory manifolds. It is an old original started that came with the 307 when I got it a couple years back. I have been thinking about replacing it with a high torque mini starter. Hoping it would clear up my problem.
But after I drove it on the interstate, the car ran just fine. Didn't overheat or try to stall at stoplights. I got home, pulled in the driveway, and shut the car off. I sat there about 30 seconds and tried to start the car back up. It slowly turned over a few times, but didnt start. A few minutes later I came outside and tried to start it, and it started up.... Slowly.
So I am thinking about a mini starter or maybe a heat shield. Am I headed in the right direction?