Project 85 Black 442 frame off restoration

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What brand of rotisserie is that? I want to use one to finish my frame off. One problem I know I'll have is the back body mounts are crap on both sides. Gotta figure out how to bolt the rotisserie to the body with no rear attachment points. Unless that is, there's a company that makes the trunk drop off's 😀 (hint hint)
oldsofb said:
What brand of rotisserie is that? I want to use one to finish my frame off. One problem I know I'll have is the back body mounts are crap on both sides. Gotta figure out how to bolt the rotisserie to the body with no rear attachment points. Unless that is, there's a company that makes the trunk drop off's 😀 (hint hint)

That's funny....Yea we have those in the works. Ill tell you what I had to do to make it work on the twirler. My mounts were both shot, I couldnt mount it in any means. My frame extensions were shot as well. SO, I just tore out all the trunk pans and found, scrapped, and made new ones so I could get it in the air. I will say dont try and mount it up any other way as the balance of where these cars are mounted is greatly different..... meaning that one side of the car is higher than the other and it takes a bit to get it balanced. Here is the link to the twirler

i bought the 1500
Thanks. It's funny, because I have another tab open on my computer, and it's accessible systems. I was looking at their rotisserie and thought "what would tobyp do?", so I came back to the forum and looked at your thread and thought that it looked the same, so I asked. I couldn't resist poking you a little about the drop offs while I was here.

Were you a body man by trade at some point? Your making my frame off look like childs play. Great work. You're keeping me inspired to go all out on mine.

Thanks for the compliments Hutch! Yea, the accessible systems is the best bang for the money and I ordered it bare and painted it with some epoxy prime for next to nothing. It allows you to balance pretty easily. As for my skills, I have no prior experience at all. I just take my time and do not get in a rush. It helps to be in the line of business I am in as I have asked many people advice on materials and such to lead me in the correct direction. I will say that I am rather good at drywalling, maybe this has something to do with being able to find that correct contour
Holy Crap Man! I would have bet the farm you did some time ina body shop somewhere. Well my opinion of you just pegged off the dial. I am impressed. Guess I gotta find a back half to a cutty that's not rusted to poop and then get to work. Shouldn't be hard on the East Maryland :roll: Think I'll find Big Foot too while I'm at it. WIn Win

Again, keep up the great work.

Well back to more paint removal again. This time over the firewall area inside and out as well as the front side of the floor pan. I thought about not doing them since they are to be hidden by carpet but I am sure glad i did. THere was surface rust under the E coat all over the place. Nothing that a wirewheel couldnt remove. But this goes to prove to remove everything down to bare metal as you dont know what might be lurking underneath!!! :twisted:

Paint removal of epic proportions, I know that feel bro. There's no such thing as an easy way to do it. Definitely worth the labour though, keep er up!.
Well the humidity hit the Cincinnati area for the past few days. Went out to look at the shell tonight and noticed some flash rusting starting to happen....oh shiz! So it made me get busy this evening. I am not sold on the rust blaster, but in removing light flash rust nothing beats the stuff. So away I went using some laquer thinner to wipe down the surface followed by the rust blast acid dry it down with compressed air then epoxy prime. Tomorrow Ill get to seam sealing then going over with the top coat of chassis saver.

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