A little bit different post today than my usual progress reports.
Yesterday on a whim I decided to attend the annual all Oldsmobile show and shine in Olds Alberta, about an hour and a half drive north of me. This would be a pretty good torture and endurance test for the car as it would be the longest trip outside of cruising around the city like I’ve been doing lately.
7am greeted the girlfriend and I with crystal clear skies and calm winds, it looked to be the perfect day for the drive and show. After checking tire pressures and vital fluids, we loaded up and set out. First stop was the gas station to top off the tank and grab some snackies for the day.
I chose I much quieter secondary highway than the main route there for it’s less traffic and bit lower speeds. By doing so, we were rewarded with beautiful scenery and a very pleasant drive albeit with a healthy tailwind that had developed. I’m very pleased to report that the car performed flawlessly, unlocking the converter in the 200R4 and kicking down when needed on the steeper hills.
Rolling into the town of Olds, we found a local do-it-yourself wash bay and gave Olds Cool a quick bath. Then it was over to the show which was held at the local GM dealership. I’ve been to this show in years past with The Juggernaut in its various iterations over the years, but had often found it to be a bit snooty with the “nut and bolt correct “ restoration “A” body 442 guys looking down their noses at a hot rodded G body. Not this year however.
Not only were there several G bodies in attendance this year, the overall mood was far more relaxed and friendly. Once they got me parked, we set about drying off the car and detailing it a bit.
Here’s a couple pics of our little area once we were settled in, I had the GF take them as I’m a bit of a hack when it comes to taking decent pictures:
You may have noticed the darkening storm clouds building in the background, this was later in the day. We were forced to leave a bit early unfortunately when the heavens decided to open up (no AstroRoof in it currently remember?), so we took cover under a gas station overhang until the rain passed and then decided to head for home.
The return trip was just as uneventful as the one there, the engine temperature stayed solid at 180F or under, and the oil pressure was rock steady at just over 30 psi.
Halfway back, the weather smartened up nicely, so I decided to pull over for a photo op of me further rubber undercoating the wheelwells.
Action sequence!!!
And the evidence of my shenanigans...
It was a great day. The car got us there and back, never let me down, and I got to reconnect with some old friends and make some new ones. The car itself was very well received despite it being in the middle of restoration, with lots of folks showing interest and asking how it will look once it’s finished. And as icing on the proverbial cake, it even pulled down some fairly respectable gas mileage at just under half a tank over the entire 186 mile round trip journey.
And that my friends, is what this hobby is all about.