First thought is who is unlocking / locking up the shop each day ?
and was that their just off the top of my head over coffee number or a firm number ?
Dave, I would imagine they’re going to be the ones responsible for allowing me access in the mornings and closing up in the evenings. Which isn’t ideal either as I don’t like having to rely on others to do the things I want, but I get it. It’s their shop and they’re not just gonna hand over the keys so I can do as I please.
When the number was thrown at me, he didn’t even hesitate, it’s like he already had it in his head. I’m thinking I may not have been the first one to approach him with the proposition.
I'd spend $500 to have a proper booth. I bet you can negotiate the first day to $150.
Let me know what day and I can probably come down and give you a hand.
Thanks Duke, I may just take you up on that offer. I’ve done a two-tone in a booth before, and it’s a ton of work, very time consuming. The Fox Mustang I shot was 12 hours in the booth, from wheeling it in and starting masking first thing in the morning, to cleaning the gun after the last coat of clear that night.
This one is gonna take even longer, as there will be a sealer coat to spray, and a third color and additional masking for the pinstripes I could definitely use a dependable and reliable helper to assist with everything that day.
I’ll see about negotiating the first day down to something a little more reasonable, but he strikes me as the kinda guy that’s pretty firm once he’s made up his mind.
Here’s that Fox Rustang I did a complete and two-tone on, sorry about the pictures of pictures.