I understand the sentiment Mike, but that just isn’t gonna happen. I find it somewhat amusing the guys suggesting I spray it at home, no offence or disrespect intended to anyone but you guys obviously have never sprayed clear in an enclosed garage, nor had to clean up overspray aftermath.
Base and clear gets so finely atomized it hangs in the air like fog forever. And the clear especially is nice and sticky. It’s not a pleasant experience when it’s so thick in the air that the hairs on your arm stick together. I’ve sprayed stuff in the garage where you almost can’t see across the shop the fog has been so thick. And that was only a hood.
There’s no way in hell I'm gonna shoot 2 coats of epoxy sealer, 3-4 coats of white base, 2 coats of claret pinstripe, 3-4 coats of grey base, and 5-6 coats of high solids clear over the whole car all in my dusty assed little garage in suburbia.
It just ain’t gonna happen.
I’ll bide my time, do it right, do it safe and do it properly. If Covid should take me tomorrow, I’ll gladly meet my maker knowing that everything I attempted, I did so to the very best of my ability, cut no corners, and remained true to my standards.
And still enjoyed nearly every minute of it.
Is the plan.
Pfft. Come slumming, D. Hit the crack pipe with us. You know you want to. 😉
$500 to rent a booth is really fair - but given the current worldwide economic circumstances it isn't prudent. So, yeah best to wait for things to settle down.