BUILD THREAD Project Olds Cool (Recognition!!)

Dude needed it, maybe he'll post a pic of his respirator after spraying red!

Yup, as Scott said I really needed it after shooting Mike’s trunk on the weekend. I sent Scott this picture last night to show how bad it can get spraying in an unventilated garage:

Awesome job as usual. Quick question. Where did you find filters? Ive been looking since all this happened with no luck. I can smell paint now if I spray. Also Ive been meaning to ask why you sprayed the grey while still bodyworking the car?
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Awesome job as usual. Quick question. Where did you find filters? Ive been looking since all this happened with no luck. I can smell paint now if I spray. Also Ive been meaning to ask why you sprayed the grey while still bodyworking the car?

I got the filters from my usual local supplier, Advanced Coatings here in Calgary Alberta Canada. I phoned the order in in the morning, and picked it up that afternoon. He didn’t say there was any issue with getting the filters, I just told him what I needed and he had them ready.

Why spray the grey? As in the grey primer, or the metallic grey paint? If you’re referring to the paint, it’s so that I could get coverage inside the areas that won’t be accessible once it’s masked for shooting the outside. Insides of fenders, door top edges and the like. Since I had to stop the color somewhere, it was just as easy to mask to the bodyline and shoot the whole thing.

As an added bonus, it provided a good idea of what the two tone will look like, and added a little extra motivation as a result.
I got the filters from my usual local supplier, Advanced Coatings here in Calgary Alberta Canada. I phoned the order in in the morning, and picked it up that afternoon. He didn’t say there was any issue with getting the filters, I just told him what I needed and he had them ready.

Why spray the grey? As in the grey primer, or the metallic grey paint? If you’re referring to the paint, it’s so that I could get coverage inside the areas that won’t be accessible once it’s masked for shooting the outside. Insides of fenders, door top edges and the like. Since I had to stop the color somewhere, it was just as easy to mask to the bodyline and shoot the whole thing.

As an added bonus, it provided a good idea of what the two tone will look like, and added a little extra motivation as a result.
Thanks. Yea i was talking about the paint. I honestly thought you did it just to see how it looked but I figured yhere was another real reason. I was contemplating trying to have my buddy spray my car in my garage but niw im definitely thinking thats a bad idea. I just hope i dont make to huge a mess spraying the primer during the bodywork stage.
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Thanks. Yea i was talking about the paint. I honestly thought you did it just to see how it looked but I figured yhere was another real reason. I was contemplating trying to have my buddy spray my car in my garage but niw im definitely thinking thats a bad idea. I just hope i dont make to huge a mess spraying the primer during the bodywork stage.

Spraying primer isn’t too bad if you’ve got a decent HVLP gun and the right air pressure. High build is pretty heavy so you don’t get much overspray and what you do get settles quickly. Not like clear coat. Clear gets very finely atomized and hangs in the air forever.
You’ll make much more mess sanding the primer, trust me. My garage currently looks like a light grey colored baby powder bomb went off in there.
Do it without the mask. Coats inner linings of lungs, Coronavirus can't get through the paint film in lungs....SAVED!!!!!! 🙂 Or maybe not?

Just paint it outside if you're worried about paint fog. Jesus people!! Put it on thick so you can color sand the bugs out of it!

Ok, for real serious...this is exactly why you need the right PPE and a paint booth designed to minimize the hazardous breathing of the vapors. Full scale garage painting is always possible, but highly unadviseable.
I got the filters from my usual local supplier, Advanced Coatings here in Calgary Alberta Canada. I phoned the order in in the morning, and picked it up that afternoon. He didn’t say there was any issue with getting the filters, I just told him what I needed and he had them ready.
good for you,i swapped out my last kit today,i don't know when I'll see any of it again but those yellow pre filters have been there for a while.

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