Now where was I a month and a half ago before I got bogged down in repairing rusty-*ss window channels...???
Oh yeah, right. Rust repair!
So yeah. I'm back at it finally, eliminating the last of the rust caused by that infernal vinyl top.
Started by sanding off the overspray from both sail panels...
...then moved onto preparing the donor 442 sail panel from the junkyard.
I stripped the old lacquer paint only from the areas I needed:
From there, it was slowly and methodically start paring the patch down to size.
This is all that I'm actually using from that big patch; just enough to replace the rusted sections:
If you look really closely, you'll see some small rust pits in the patch left behind after sanding the old paint off. The donor panel wasn't perfect, but it was a damn sight better than what I had on the car.
These pits will get ground out, they're not terribly deep, but that will happen after the patch is welded in place. There will be a lot of welding and grinding making the patch permanent, so I didn't want to thin the metal out needlessly beforehand. Chances are, by the time I'm done grinding down the welds, most of the pits will be gone.
It's little stuff like this you learn with experience.
Here's a big chunk of the ugliness removed from the car...
...but it did leave a pretty substantial sized hole!
The rest of the casualties...
...better there on the bench than on the car!

Fitting it up, so far so good...
Continued >>>
Now where was I a month and a half ago before I got bogged down in repairing rusty-*ss window channels...???
Oh yeah, right. Rust repair!
So yeah. I'm back at it finally, eliminating the last of the rust caused by that infernal vinyl top.
Started by sanding off the overspray from both sail panels...
...then moved onto preparing the donor 442 sail panel from the junkyard.
I stripped the old lacquer paint only from the areas I needed:
From there, it was slowly and methodically start paring the patch down to size.
This is all that I'm actually using from that big patch; just enough to replace the rusted sections:
If you look really closely, you'll see some small rust pits in the patch left behind after sanding the old paint off. The donor panel wasn't perfect, but it was a damn sight better than what I had on the car.
These pits will get ground out, they're not terribly deep, but that will happen after the patch is welded in place. There will be a lot of welding and grinding making the patch permanent, so I didn't want to thin the metal out needlessly beforehand. Chances are, by the time I'm done grinding down the welds, most of the pits will be gone.
It's little stuff like this you learn with experience.
Here's a big chunk of the ugliness removed from the car...
...but it did leave a pretty substantial sized hole!
The rest of the casualties...
...better there on the bench than on the car!

Fitting it up, so far so good...
Continued >>>