I had 4 but now 5 project cars, 2 vintage motorcycle projects, and an interior remodel on my house. I do actually buy parts and work on these vehicles but damn. I keep running into cool stuff and absolutely cannot turn away good projects. A few weeks ago I ended up with a complete 56 Ford F100 1/2 ton truck. Today I bought a 1947 Chevy two door Fleetline that has been sub framed and has a rebuilt 350 on an engine stand. Also got a 350 trans with it. I have always finished my project cars but at 44 my metabolism has slowed and arthritis has me on point. So it takes me longer. Also my quality standards have gotten higher over the years so that takes longer. I have always been a TRUE car guy and a mechanic since I was 18. I do ALL my own work except seat cover stitching. Anyone else have trouble turning down bargain projects??? I'll have one heck of a retirement when I sell off these. My hard top 55 Belair has 3 1/2 years in it already but I'm going for top honors at Goodguys and Starbirds fine 9. This is worse than a drug addiction. Lol