just for sh*ts and giggles could you provide a picture of your radios wiring harness and how you have it all hooked up?did you go with an adapter or just cut and run wires?ive had happen what you speak of and i think it was either a ground issue where i may have grounded all the speaker wires to the black negative wire or something along those lines...it was like the first time i ever put a radio in my car when i was like 16,father was of no help so i was cutting a splicing as i went.these days though when i do an install i refuse to hack the harness up when adapters are like 12 to 15 bucks at most and aside from alittle extra length that easily tucked away it makes wiring everything much cleaner as well.also you said you got an aluminum headed 350 in it and ever since things have been going batty....just curious if your attempting to ground the rear of the engine from the firewall to the heads which with aluminum heads wouldnt ground well at all if any i dont think.im no wizz with electronics but im pretty sure aluminum sucks as a conductor or ground source.
reread your post not sure why i mixed up crate vortec 350 and aluminum heads but still if you have them,dont use them as a ground source =P...though if it doesnt im sure you painted it,did you paint over the lug holes that are in the cast iron heads or block?