rockers, problem.

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David Williamson

G-Body Guru
Jan 7, 2011
I took off my valves to check the rockers, here's what I found.
They were loose 9 out of 16 were loose.
they were covered in gunk and the bases were filled with gunk.
I took two videos and a couple pictures, here they are so you can see them and understand more about the situation.










I know I have to lash the valves, I just need to find some time and a partner to help me lash them.
What I am wondering is, if I lash them will this all be done.
Or is there a deeper problem I cannot see or don't know about that maybe you all do.
I just want to be on the safe side.

So any feedback or advice, will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you all in advanced and God Bless.
They arent all going to be tight. It depends on where the lifter is on the cam lobe. Can you hear the rockers chattering while the car is running? What made you start looking at them in the first place? The gunk is normal for an old engine. Clean it out of there the best you can. If you ever have the intake off you will see a bunch in the valley I am sure.
CHRIS.O said:
They arent all going to be tight. It depends on where the lifter is on the cam lobe. Can you hear the rockers chattering while the car is running? What made you start looking at them in the first place? The gunk is normal for an old engine. Clean it out of there the best you can. If you ever have the intake off you will see a bunch in the valley I am sure.

Okay cool cool, I mean there is a bit of clinking in there while running.
Nothing major but if you get close enough you can hear them ticking.
I checked cause I heard the little noise so I took em off and saw a lot were loose.
I didn't know if any were supposed to be so I wanted to make 100% sure and ask you all on here.

So what do you think should be done, if anything?
replace the stamped rockers with roller tip ones.
t01blaze said:
check for exhaust leaks first. i had one once that sounded like a loose rocker. you can always adjust the valves again, its not that hard to do.

So I am checking my exhaust manifolds to check for leaks?
I think I might because the fumes when I start it and let it run are pretty strong.

You do not need to buy anything. There is nothing wrong with your engine. If a couple rocker are ticking then adjust those rockers and leave the others that aren't making noise alone. The engine looks high mileage and probably did not get the oil changed regularly. Thats why it has chunks of broken down oil and sludge. Don't try flushing it with cleaners or anything like that. Just clean out all you can SEE in the areas you have access to. Adjust the ticking rockers and bolt it back together. Assuming it is the rockers ticking. As another person said check for exhaust manifold leaks. Look for black burn marks or soot where the exhaust manifolds mates with the head. If you find any areas like that then you will know the exhaust manifold gasket is trashed and needs replacing which may or may not be your ticking sound.
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