I believe we have the same cam, 12-422-8. I had same stuff to contend with, my build was mild 355. I used a milodon front cover with wear plate n proper thrust button with no issues. I installed a programmable msd box...since my motor wanted 23 intial and seemed to run pretty good with 36 total, so this way gave me exactly what I wanted. I also threw a set of 1.6 rockers on mine to give me a little bit more lift 528/535. Was your original dist gear melonized? You need that for rollers, I think comp upsold you on composite one. I laughed when I switched to roller because the noise of motor was def different...comp describes noise as an old sewing machine. Also did you measure for pushrod length? I also had a bad lifter I chased down for a while. I do like the new setup though. I also went to beehive valve springs which are amazing!!