Well, I am going to just put a bearing on the damn thing so I can drive it one last time. Why? Well, I was going to pull the insurance this week until someone decided to run down my mailbox with their car. This is the second or third act of vandalism against my mailbox in the last few months, and leaving the Cutlass outside on Halloween when I will not be home just doesn't seem wise. So, I need to drive it to my parent's house and park it in their garage for the night. After it comes back home, the insurance will be pulled. As for the mailbox, I used the BFH to bang it out...again, but the post is toast. It snapped off in the ground. I can't really afford a new post either, but I did devise a solution with the help of a neighbor. We cut apart and welded together an old bed frame to make a new mailbox post and base. This is cheap as I just owe him a few welding rods for his arc welder for doing it. It also should be harder to kill. Plus, should a miscreant wish to run it over again, it will cause significant damage to their vehicle. He did the same thing to his years ago and it has never been knocked down or off. However, he did find someone punching his mailbox a few weeks ago, but the perp ran away faster than he could run (my neighbor is in his 60's). That also explains the punch marks in almost every mail box on my street. I guess they are too poor to afford a baseball bat and a car like the cool kids use, so they just decided to try a low buck solution....
This also got me thinking about the ultimate mailbox solution (that I can't afford). It would be a 6 inch piece of 1/4 in wall square steel tubing welded up to look like a wooden post, sunk 3 feet in the ground and filled with concrete. I would also weld some stabilizers to the bottom of the post so that it could not be turned by an impact. The mailbox itself would use the old unit as an outer shell, but have the floor cut out, and a piece of 1/4 in steel plate bent in an arch and welded to another plate for the floor which would then be welded to the post. The old mailbox shell and door would then be slipped over the top of the steel arch so that it looks stock. The post could be painted like rotten wood so that it looks like an easy target. When they try to run it down however, it will just obliterate the front end of their car!