I got the rotor off the car today, and what an ordeal that was! I ended up using my angle grinder with some Russian made Harbor Freight cutoff wheels to cut through the metal so that I would have a chance at getting to the bearing. The inner race was stuck to the spindle, and too fat to let the rotor come off. I had to cut down it's OD once I chopped off some of the bearing hub. After I got it off, the inner race was still stuck solid to the spindle. I had to cut it in half to get it off. One piece just fell off when I cut it, the other was welded to the spindle. As you might have guesses, once I took off the inner race, I found the spindle was blued around the outer wheel bearing. I also had to grind down the piece of bearing that was left after I pounded off the other half of the bearing. Sadly, the spindle is deformed in such a way that the outer bearing will not slide on. I am thinking about taking a piece of crocus cloth or emery paper and polishing it back down to size. I should just get another spindle, but I am a bit broke, and a bit scared of doing it. I can't think of a way to pull a spindle without a spring compressor and do it safely on a coil spring car. If there is a safe technique to harvesting one from a junkyard donor, will somebody please post it? I would really appreciate it!