Sugar in the tank!

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axisg said:
454muscle said:
pontiacgp said:
camaroadam...with all due respect your just a guy on a forum talking about your experience with an engine...if the valves were white in your engine that indicates a very lean mixture and a lean mixture can fry an engine, sugar turns brown when heated. Sugar in gas tanks has been around for a long time so why is it there is no research you can point to that has a conclusion sugar can ruin an engine...I'll tell you why, it doesn't..sugar has a better chance now if there is any alcohol in the gas you buy because sugar will dissolve in alcohol that can lead to a trace of sugar making it through the filter but not enough to have any effect....and your thanking 454 for his post that included this?..." a bag of sugar wont really do too much harm"
Wow thanks for clearing that one up. I guess that sludge that I cleaned off my carburator about 6 times and finally that sludge that made it into the new Holly wasn't sugar after all. Must have been my imagination. And I must have wasted my money on that new gas tank, because I obviously didn't need it! I coulda swore it was full of sugar when I tried dumping it. The hesitations, the car stalling in the middle of the road, pulling over. None of it was real. Man I'm gonna go check myself in first thing tomorrow morning at the local mental institute and tell them about my hallucinations. That happenned 10 years ago. About sugar that didn't really exist.
:?: Well that's the only possible solution. I wouldn't want to be narrow minded or anything. :roll:

First you say it doesn't, then in this post you say it does. Then you get sarcastic and start with the put downs when I point it out that sugar and gasoline do not mix and that sugar will not pass thru the filtering system. Now you challenge me to read thru your posts to point out where you said it would.
Hey axisg, where in that quote do you read me saying that sugar dissolves in gasoline?

I challenged you to re-read my posts, because what I said (I really should have to do this), and I REPEAT MYSELF, that there has got to be other, extenuating factors involved such as water in the gas, ethanol blend, fuel pressure, heat, etc..

Here's my post for you to re-read:

454muscle said:
Now for the sugar... sure, it won't dissolve in gasoline. And if it never dissolves in gasoline, it never makes it to the engine except in crystalized form (if that), and hance no damage. What about water? Does it dissolve in water? Does water ever get in the gank? You might say the amount of moisture in the tank is negligible. What if water acts like a catalyst to dissolve sugar in gasoline. Whatever the science behind it is...... my 2nd GP, 1981 GP with 454BBC on a TH2004R had suger in the tank from it's previous owner -- long story but basically when changing the tank out, it was FILLED with yellowish sludgy goo. GOO, mind you, which made it to the carburator.

How would you dismiss what CamaroAdam73 said? Could be an explanation, I understand. But I personally don't think so.

Other what ifs: Type of car, engine size, EFI or carburated, type of sugar (granulated/powered/liquid), fype of fuel (regular/premium), how long to run the engine, running the engine idle or under load, amount of vacuum, fuel pressure, and so on.....

Conclusiong: the test is by no means conclusive. Just my 2 cents.
Wow, i think everyone should just step back and maybe drop the subject, it seems like a few people are starting to take offense and that's not what i meant, I'm just trying to be helpful and prove what i know for a fact.

Look I'm just posting what i know to be true based on fact's I've observed with my very own eyes. These other people that have disproved that sugar can harm an engine, do they provide any REAL evidence other than just word? Like i said, I've got hard proof.

Also whoever mentioned that sugar turns brown when it's burnt, you do realize your talking about the extreme heat and pressure of an internal combustion engine? not a stove. AND it's not like pure sugar is being forced into the cylinders themselves, it's got a pretty lengthy journey before it gets into the actual engine, and by then i'd be willing to bet money it's changed drastically from what it was when it was dumped in the tank.

Apparently me and 454 are the only ones here with actual experience in this subject, otherwise you'd all likely be agreeing. Sorry you see differently.

That's my 2 cents, hope yall figure it out.

PS: Pontiacgp, no offense taken, everyone has there own opinions. It's a forum, and this is discussion lol. the proof you have is from your own determination from looking at the parts of your engine that it was sugar that caused the damage?.....what letters do you have after your name to qualify that conclusion and what tests did you do to see what the substance was

and you asked about what there is to say the sugar does not destroy an engine?

and no offense taken or's not often I have science on my side... :mrgreen:
Well... I'm out! I only wanted to give my $0.02 and ended up spending a lot more than planned. Lol.

pontiacgp said:'s not often I have science on my side... :mrgreen:
Science, pontiacgp, is not a solid foundation to stand on, by the way....

Remember when people who thought the earth was round (aka spherical) were persecuted? Or that science about the earth being the center of the universe? Or when people insisted "640 Kb or RAM is more than you'll ever need"? These things were based on your "science".

Man is no smarter than the caveman days, when we rubbed two sticks together and got fire. We LABELLED it. Called it "fire". Big deal.

We label things, and proclaim it to be "science". So what.

What is gravity. A label. Why is pulling on a mass? What exactly is the science BEHIND the so called "Universal Law of Gravitation" which states that there is a force of attraction between all masses in the universe, which is inversly proportional to the square of the distance between them? In layman's terms, the bigger and closer, the greater the force of gravity. My question is, WHY? HOW?

There are a lot of things science cannot answer. All it does, essentially, is label things. And for all it's glory, it's often wrong.

Wikipedia: Falsifiability or refutability is the logical possibility that an assertion could be shown false by a particular observation or physical experiment.

Lemme break it down for you:

Flat Earth hypothesis. Although not a truly scientific theory, it was proved wrong by many scientific observations over a period of thousands of years, with evidence compiling and culminating in Apollo 11's images of a spherical Earth.

Phlogiston theory. Created to explain the processes of oxidation - corrosion and combustion - it was disproved by discovery of the fact that combustion is the reaction of fuel with oxygen and that corrosion is caused by oxidation of metals and the formation of compounds.

Geocentric theory of the solar system. Disproved by studies through astronomy, as well as the use of physics to predict occurrences that geocentrism could not. Whether Earth is really the centre of the universe remains to be seen, since we don't know exactly where the universe ends.

The classical elemental theory (that all substance is made of earth, air, fire and water). Disproved by the discovery of subatomic particles and the modern elements, as we know them today.

Aristotle's dynamic motion. It was an attempt at explaining momentum and why certain substances behave in certain ways; it was linked to the concept of the classical elements. Disproved by Galileo.

Ether as a carrier of light waves and radio waves. Disproved by study of the dual particle-wave nature of light, which means it does not in fact require a medium of any kind, and the simple complete lack of any evidence for such a substance.(Disproved by the Michelson-Morley experiment.)

Newton's corpuscular theory of light. While correct in many ways - it was the modern concept of the photon - it too was supplanted by the dual wave-particle theory of light that explains all aspects of it.

Newton's Laws of Motion (which were improved upon by Einstein - while not really proved wrong, the were shown to be not quite right either. For example in relativity or on the very small scale they don't hold).

Science, my friends, is not all it's cracked up to be. You might wanna stop persecuting the guy who disagrees with science and says the earth is round. You're the one persecuting that guy. Because, you may have over looked something, and he may just be right. Open your mind to that possibility.
454muscle, I agree with you and camaroadam that sugar will **** up your engine. Not that I know from personal expierence, but its just common sense that dumping a bunch of sh*t in your fuel tank cant be good for an engine, if it gets past the filter, that is. But to say that science is not a solid foundation to stand on makes absolutely no sense.
Guys, I know for an absolute fact that sugar in the tank will not harm you engine, it just won't. Why people insist on carrying this wives tale on is way beyond me! Just because you've heard it all your life doesn't make it so. It may clog your filter, but it won't hurt the motor!
All the arguing, claiming it happened to Uncle Billy Bob, etc... doesn't make it so, it's a false rumor, period. The chemistry is just not there for it to happen. :wink:
So why wont it hurt your engine? Not being a smart *ss, honest question. I know you guys were saying it wont dissolve in gasoline and will get filtered out, but hypothetically speaking, if sugar got to the engine, why wouldnt it do any harm? Im a novice about engines, but it just seems that any crap like that wouldnt be good.
if you pour sugar down the carb then yes it will damage the engine but not so much while your running it.....when you shut it down the sugar deposits will caramelize on the pistons and rings
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