Supskylesup THUMBS DOWN!!! **RESOLVED**

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Re: Supskylesup THUMBS DOWN!!!

G-Body_Vet said:
supkylesup said:
Well guys I appreciate those who stuck up for me on this one although I don't want anyone taking sides either.
My problem with it was He called me a theif which I am not one single bit.
Also I am not trying to scam anyone on here. I'm not hurting for money or any sort of thing like that. It was just a matter of not being able to make time to ship the part.
My only down fall was my recent change in hours at my work. Which I had no control over.
I feel there was just some miscommunication in this sale mostly on my part.
However due to the fact that I don't check my email that often is no excuse to go bashing me on here. You could've easily shot me a PM which would've made things alot easier.
Either way what's done is done sorry to let me fellow g-bodyer's down.
Parts are getting shipped out tomorrow and half of the original purchase price will be refunded Friday.
Also I'm removing my thread for the parts I have for sale till this crap blows over.
I won't put my reputation on the line like this again. Not because I'll **** up again but due to the fact that I don't need people flying off the handle like this anymore. If anyone needs anything shot me a PM otherwise there going to local buyers.
Thanks again guys

And safari wagon sorry for your troubles

I wouldn't worry about it. You made it right in the end and it's not like you were ducking from him to begin with. sh*t happens and you guys were just on different pages with the communication. I would however consider having the title of this thread changed to RESOLVED....hint....hint SafariWagon. Last thing we all need is everyone jumping ship when we all need specific parts. It's easier than scouring bone yards and dealing with idiots from CL any day.
I would agree that he should change to "Resolved", but when he gets his parts. :wink:
Shifting blame is still going on here when the buyer is not at fault, period. I know the seller is going to make this right, but saying the buyer should pm him is just shifting responsibility away from where it belongs, with the seller. If the seller for any reason, can't do as he says, he should immediately contact the buyer and not say, hey the buyer should have figured a way to contact me!
Re: Supskylesup THUMBS DOWN!!!

tc1959 said:
If your too busy to go mail something You have sold. Don't post it for sale. :roll:

X2 as a seller, once you have someone's money, you have the responsibility to stay on top of these things.
Re: Supskylesup THUMBS DOWN!!!

I'm not taking any sides. But emails? Definitely can't rely on that. I have one email I check SOMETIMES. Then I have my email that I use to make accounts on websites, which I never check. They always get flooded with junk. Honestly, I forgot the password. In this day and age, email is like cassette tapes for music, or VHS for movies...........
Re: Supskylesup THUMBS DOWN!!!

personally if I need something and time is a factor I don't rely on buying something online cause who knows what can happen..I have bought a few things from others on here and it takes days to get thru customs to get here but it's not something that is holding me up so it doesn't bother me how long it takes...I'm expecting something to arrive and it was sent out I believe April 28 and cleared customs yesterday so it should be here sometime this payment was late cause of an issue with paypal not accepting AmericanExpress prepaid credit card..cptech was ok with the delay and I appreciate that... I was told by paypal they don't accept any prepaid credit card but I found after the fact I can register a Visa prepaid card..I never use a real credit card online....
Re: Supskylesup THUMBS DOWN!!!

In this day and age, email is like cassette tapes for music, or VHS for movies..........

Really? So, you use mental telepathy, do you? :roll:
Re: Supskylesup THUMBS DOWN!!!

This kind of thing happens all the time, I've been buying and selling stuff for and from my cars for many years and I find all too often there are a few guys that treat private sellers like they were some franchise.
However I would PM someone if things were going to take longer than expected but I've learned not to make promises on the EXACT day I am going to ship something because crap like this happens...

There are two things wrong here, first this Thread, shouldn't have ever been posted and makes the buyer look bad. A PM should have been sent, not an email. My emails sometimes wind up in the spam folder or never even show up, email servers are not reliable.

Second is that Kyle should never have promised an exact date that it would have been shipped or at least given a heads up that he missed that date that was agreed upon. It's usually good to allow the Seller a week to ship, a good rule of thumb is to tell the buyer "gimme a week to get it out to you" which is fair.

If your like me each day is unpredictable just like most with EXTREMELY BUSY AND TIME CONSUMING CAREERS that are NOT gonna let that get in the way of persuing their hobby so things will be listed but it's not like it's sitting boxed up on a shelf ready to drop ship the next day.

In this day and age life is BUSY for most than it was to some 20, 30, 40 years ago so adapt to the times... when I was your age stuff doesn't work anymore... as you will find with most corporations that will just replace you now if your talent is in the stone age... it's the way of the world now. I don't agree with it but it sucks and you have to deal with it.

I myself usually can only ship on Saturdays or if I can get off of work in time before the Post Office closes and that is a long shot with being a Project Engineer in the Medical Device buisness.
My Saturday's are UNPREDICTABLE as well since I have a girlfriend who's a Promotions Director for a large Radio Station and ususally has free tickets or some event or weekend getaway come up at the last minute.
So as a rule of thumb I ship small stuff within one week of getting payment and sometimes will take 10 days if a Saturday happens to get overtaken and someone buys something on a Monday.

When I buy stuff I never PM the guy asking where it is, If the guy isn't a deadbeat then fine, I will give them a few weeks, I don't care. It's a car that is driven for fun, not some daily driver for work or a kidney...

I myself will take 2 to sometimes 3 weeks to ship something very large due to the fact that I have to go and find or construct a box and find the time in my busy life to drive 40 minutes one way to a FedEX or Greyhound location and drop it off. I've been hosed on shipping, gas and lost personal time because of the dam place being closed when they should have been open, the package turns out to be $161 instead of $65 as expected due to weight or being a c**t hair off in dimesions and having to rebox it... or something along those lines. And ususally wind up getting pissed off when the guy is sending PM's every other day for a tracking number, it will get there relax. Boxing and shipping doesn't happen as quickly as clicking SEND on a payment button and shouldn't be treated as such.

My $0.02
Re: Supskylesup THUMBS DOWN!!!

Randy_W said:
In this day and age, email is like cassette tapes for music, or VHS for movies..........

Really? So, you use mental telepathy, do you? :roll:

Yeah really....especially when dealing with someone on this site, why bother signing into your email when you can just send a private message much quicker. It was a simple statement no need to be rude or a smartass about it, but if that makes you feel better go right ahead boss..
Re: Supskylesup THUMBS DOWN!!!

88hurstolds said:
This kind of thing happens all the time, ..........
My $0.02
very well said...

I wanna point out a few things too.
1. maybe it's just me, or maybe it's a sign of the times... but it seems people are starting to jump the gun too quickly these days. ex: "Theif"
... life is frustrating, and so are people, sometimes you just gotta take a chill-pill cuz it's not worth the worry.

2. I think it's very admorable that Kyle stepped up, and even offered to refund some of the payment. I hardly ever see this sort of attitude anymore... Too much pointing fingers, and not enough people accepting the blame and trying to make right.

3. I think it's very cool that JBreu stood up for Kyle. And he also took responsibility and contacted him aswell. Joe, thanks for being a active and positive member!

4. If you are facing time constraints, don't buy used items... Pay the premium of a new product, and save yourself the headache.
Re: Supskylesup THUMBS DOWN!!!

I would be pretty pissed off myself, but Kyle has been on here a while and seems like a stand up guy. I wouldnt have called him a theif.
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