He definitely should, yes.
Umm, true but you might wanna reconsider that.
First of all, when Duke gets to the point where he’s ready to prime his roof, he COULD go straight to a high build, however high build is not DTM (direct to metal). He would have to purchase and apply an etch primer to the bare metal areas prior to his high build application.
But why bother going this route and having to buy even more materials when he already has epoxy? Epoxy IS DTM, and can be applied directly over bare metal, filler, lacquer, seam sealer, damn near everything. Also, given that epoxy has superior corrosion resistance properties, Duke would be a fool not to apply 2 coats of epoxy to his roof before high build.
Tony, you’re starting to get the right idea, but are overthinking it a little. Do yourself a favour and do some research on the topic, get yourself a P sheet on epoxy from your local supplier, and it’ll all start to make sense, I promise. It’s really not that confusing or scary.