EDIT: Just because I have been through it, I would recommend you save your time and money trying to do anything to the 307 and just save it all up for the 350 build . . . or perhaps a big block maybe? Only slightly more important [to me] to keep the 442 "All Oldsmobile" if possible.
Agreed. All I'm doing to the 307 is getting it up to date so I can run it on the street. I have a 355 sbc. But if a Rocket comes my way it would be 100% preferable. Hopefully EFI either way.
I've been waiting for the title to arrive so I can get it registered. So in the meantime I got the power windows to work properly. Turned out the master switch was a dud. The motors are really slow and weak. Once the door panels are on I don't plan to keep pulling them back on and off. So both motors are going to be replaced. Grease the rails and it's a done deal. Installed some chrome turndowns tips pointed back. I don't know where I've seen it before but it looks cool. Did it to my 87 before too. (can't see in pic)
The rusty chrome on the wheels where an eye sore. So a cheap fix was to paint them flat black and throw a clear over them. Like day and night difference. The rusty hood and front bumper will be replaced with the 87's. I have a very clean deck lid that will replace the old one. Picked it from the yard last year. After all this is done I can start doing the body work...