Thoughts on the 2011 nfl season?

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Master Mechanic
Mar 30, 2010
or is it technically the 2012 season...? anywho, as a guy that lives in Indiana and roots for the colts unless they play my beloved redskins. I thought id share my thoughts on Payton being out for ???? <---- it sucks REAL bad. they should call Brett Favre, i hear hes not doing anything. 2-14, here comes the Colts!

And the redskins, jeez-o-pete, i cant believe that was a daniel snyder owned team on the field against new york. They didn't look old, washed up, and overpaid at all. They looked young, fast, and fresh. Its almost like he's actually trying to.... *gasp* build a team instead of trying to buy one!!!

so going into week two, what are you thinking about your team?


Royal Smart Person
Jul 11, 2008
southside va/lake gaston
Well...I have always been a cowboy fan since the colts left town in the middle of the night way back when....but ever since jerry jones showed up, Ive lost the love. Now, I guess Im a Carolina fan due only to the fact that they are in my home state. I do like the Eagles and I think they will be very good overall this season...


Royal Smart Person
May 29, 2009
Philadelphia, PA.
I don't care... As long as the Eagles don't have any success until they get rid of that pile of human garbage Michael Vick.

I'm not a big football fan, I'm a Baseball guy and I like Hockey as well... I only ever root for the Eagles because they're my home team. But ever since they got mike vick they turn my stomach... If Pete Rose can't have a job in MLB or be in the Hall of Fame, then Mike Vick should never have a job in football ever again. But the NFL has no moral standards.


Royal Smart Person
Jul 11, 2008
southside va/lake gaston
kornball426 said:
I don't care... As long as the Eagles don't have any success until they get rid of that pile of human garbage Michael Vick.

I'm not a big football fan, I'm a Baseball guy and I like Hockey as well... I only ever root for the Eagles because they're my home team. But ever since they got mike vick they turn my stomach... If Pete Rose can't have a job in MLB or be in the Hall of Fame, then Mike Vick should never have a job in football ever again. But the NFL has no moral standards.
Well...although I cannot argue about the standards of the NFL, I have to say that Rose's crime involved the sport he played and coached, Vicks did not. But this is gonna go way off I'll just shut my pie hole.


Master Mechanic
Mar 30, 2010
kornball426 said:
I don't care... As long as the Eagles don't have any success until they get rid of that pile of human garbage Michael Vick.

I'm not a big football fan, I'm a Baseball guy and I like Hockey as well... I only ever root for the Eagles because they're my home team. But ever since they got mike vick they turn my stomach... If Pete Rose can't have a job in MLB or be in the Hall of Fame, then Mike Vick should never have a job in football ever again. But the NFL has no moral standards.

x2. Love him or hate him, Donovan put up with a lot of criticism, and occasionally said something that made you be all :wtf: but he never really screwed up like that...


Royal Smart Person
May 29, 2009
Philadelphia, PA.
Yeah it definitely will... Because animal cruelty is probably my biggest hot button issue.

But what Rose did didn't have anything to do with his team, so it really has no relevance when guys like Mark Mcgwire can be a batting coach and will probably one day be a hall of famer, and he's KNOWN to be a steroid user. Pete Rose was a much better player without the roids even if he didn't have the HR's like McGwire or Sosa or Bonds.

And yeah 79malibu350... I was never much of a McNabb fan either, but at least he's not a total scum bag like Mike Vick. Andy Reid and his kids are pretty scummy too... They should pick up Plaxico Burris and finish off the total package of trash.


Site Admin
Feb 25, 2005
Rolla, MO

The trophy stays home this year!


G-Body Guru
Oct 16, 2005
Eastern Shore
I agree that the Packers are the favorites. I'm also a lifelong Redskins fan and I'm glad they finally are leaving football to football people. :wink:


Master Mechanic
Mar 30, 2010
Randy_W said:
I agree that the Packers are the favorites. I'm also a lifelong Redskins fan and I'm glad they finally are leaving football to football people. :wink:

If your like me, you were starting to think we were in a rebuilding CENTURY :rofl:

So were all agreed then, anybody but Brady?? I grow weary of all the experts picking the pats to win. Its not like they havent won it all in four years or however long its been. :roll: And now, my favorite memory of super bowls past, Brady on his back side.

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