36 is an aweful lot for initial... you're gonna grind some starter teeth when you go to crank the motor fires at 36deg idle...
... Why do you want such high timing? You're sacrificing alot of top-end with that much advance.
... I'm still thinkin... set it to 36 when the motor stops advancing, (should be around 3500-3800rpm), and experiment with vac advance vs no vac advance...
I really don't think vac advance is needed here... but if that's why you want, then play with springs... I'm using medium stiffness springs in mine.
... Why do you want such high timing? You're sacrificing alot of top-end with that much advance.
... I'm still thinkin... set it to 36 when the motor stops advancing, (should be around 3500-3800rpm), and experiment with vac advance vs no vac advance...
I really don't think vac advance is needed here... but if that's why you want, then play with springs... I'm using medium stiffness springs in mine.