If you don't want to get the heads machined at all, and you have stock vortecs, then you need beehive springs, or a single spring woith no damper.
The valve guide on stock vortecs is fat. Too fat for anything other than a single spring (with no damper). If you machine the valve guide down you can run a fatter spring. The reason they are recomending beehives is that most beehive spings are a single spring with no damper, so they will fit around the stock valve guides with no modifications required. If you cut down the valve guides you can use normal springs.
Comp sells cutters for this so you can do it yourself instead of paying a machine shop. Part # 4726 and you need 11/32 arbor. I just did it last night. Its half an hours work. Just keep the bit lubed. I just used some cutting oil in a spray can to keep it cool.
The Dart vortecs are not as great as some other vortec castings. Typically most vortec heads stall around .550 lift. If your lift is only around .500 you're fine. Also, it's better to have a cam with more exhaust duration. The vortc intake port is awesome, the exhaust is just average. Make sure your cam has more exhaust duration. I am using a Comp xe268H. It has 268 intake (seat to seat) and 280 exhaust.
What is the rest of your build like? I love vortec heads. I'm not an expert, but I've built two motors now with them, and I'm working on my third right now. I am a huge fan of their performance for the cost. Lemme know if you have any questions hopefully I can answer stuff.