Was rear ended today.

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Jan 24, 2013
Well i was rear ended today going to work coming from the dmv. i stopped at a stop yield sign to not cut off a cop car. and the women behind me in her 2014 Malibu, was paying attention to the cop and rear ended me. we are both ok. her car is ok, the plastic bumper just wrinkled up. my car on the other hand . not so much. from the picture it doesn't look like much but my frame is broke into two, and the transmission is screwed, (was hit so hard it went a full car length forward and threw the trans out of gear.) bent my exhaust, broke the bumper cover. ripped of my chrome trim. and even broke my lock tabs on the doors. i think the only reason why there isnt even more damage is because i caught a flash in my rear view and let of the brakes. The cop witnessed the whole thing and caught it on his dash cam.

im waiting on the insurance adjuster to contact me, the woman admitted fault. anybody have an idea what i could get back from the claim?


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Im so sorry dude that sucks.

As for how much your gonna get back i dont know but il tell you this we had an i think 75 f150 years back that we wrecked and state farm gave us $4000 just because the thing was so old we couldnt replace it. But i dont think it could be any lower than $2000
the part that gets me is ive only had it for 3 weeks. and it took me 6 years to get the old owner to finally be willing to sell it to me
In some states if you had coverage on this car, you are allowed to buy your car back for 10% of the payout, keep the title with no salvage applied. Don't tell your adjuster you may do this until you agree on payout, and remember this is negotiable they do not get to say here is what we will give you to bad. Then if you chose you can keep the car to do with it what you please.
Yea thats true. Here in Missouri you can keep the car for alittle less cash in return
Glad youre ok. I see the ohio plate. Where at in ohio? Im in Middletown. Sucks about the car. I read a few years ago that there is some guy in Canada that sells pre-made rear frame sections for our g-bodies. You might want to loom into that. So you dont have to total it out...heres a current pic of my 80 cutlass. Taken yesterday...


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This is all assuming the estimates to fix the car exceed the value of the car. Of course this very well could be the case considering a quick look at the NADA guide shows the below values:

Low retail: $1,475
Average retail: $4,469
High retail: $6,780
I got $1800 when some old lady turned in front of me while driving my wagon. They totaled it out, and gave me $1500 and I got to keep the car.
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