Managed to get over to Napa this Saturday PM. Steve had the wheel cylinders; I showed him the corpse of the dead one and he just shook his head. He also had my Krylon, the box of 180gr 3M gold long board sanding paper, the warrantied seal for the pinion yoke, and the seal surface saver sleeve for the yoke as well. It is typical that with all this bounty to play with, what I may be facing is a lost weekend. My lower pelvic muscles decided they didn't want to do stoop labor no mo' and went into spasm. Wasn't worth a trip to the emerg, about all that would produce would have been something that I already knew. Did take some Tylenol for it but the spasms were messing with my digestion and it took until today for the stuff to kick in. Didn't sleep more'n two hours at a time last night; made up for it today!!
Furnace repair team was supposed to show up today; Uh-uh, nope, nien, nada, nix. Beginning to think I may have to go elsewhere to get someone to do this job. Also think they may be more interested in renting me a new one than me getting more life out of the one I have.
Some days just suck, others are more like quick sand.