What did you buy for your G body today? [2021]

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It might hafta do with a little something like this... not quite sure of all the "hows" just yet.

When my buddy sent me a link on the white car, he asked what my thoughts were... i replied " hang on Man! I'm reading up on how to chop that white sh*t off so's i can put my yellow cab on it lol"

Currently has a 156V system installed. Has been driven on nice days since its completion. It comes with a 1200A speed drive in it, and that is the part that may have been run a bit hard while subjected to a possible undervoltage condition.

Once the ttype has the ability to move itself around again... the yellow truck heads into metamorphosis again.


Stay busy folksies!
You know, that is actually a very good photograph (less the Impala, welding hose, and trash can). The soft colors would make a good painting, and/or jigsaw puzzle.
The yellow thing is already the jigsaw puzzle... worked a pile of weekends this summer leaving me but ample time for bees and some buick work... havent been to my camp for months... not to mention your kick in the pants to get some yard work done.

I kinda needed that, i s'pose...

My turn to stay busy now,

Went to the Pittsburgh U Pull & Pay just to end up with the passenger door power lock actautor & harness out of a roached out wanna be '85 SS & for a gamble the CD radio out of a '00 Malibu. Tried to find a '97-'99 Monte or a '97-'01 Lumina to get a RKE module but failed. Did get to see a '81 Bonnie Safari sitting there looking 90% all there.
Managed to get over to Napa this Saturday PM. Steve had the wheel cylinders; I showed him the corpse of the dead one and he just shook his head. He also had my Krylon, the box of 180gr 3M gold long board sanding paper, the warrantied seal for the pinion yoke, and the seal surface saver sleeve for the yoke as well. It is typical that with all this bounty to play with, what I may be facing is a lost weekend. My lower pelvic muscles decided they didn't want to do stoop labor no mo' and went into spasm. Wasn't worth a trip to the emerg, about all that would produce would have been something that I already knew. Did take some Tylenol for it but the spasms were messing with my digestion and it took until today for the stuff to kick in. Didn't sleep more'n two hours at a time last night; made up for it today!!

Furnace repair team was supposed to show up today; Uh-uh, nope, nien, nada, nix. Beginning to think I may have to go elsewhere to get someone to do this job. Also think they may be more interested in renting me a new one than me getting more life out of the one I have.

Some days just suck, others are more like quick sand.

I'm 80 Nick, and it doesn't git any better. I just finish cutting and welding the 2 1/2 pipes from the factory exh. manifolds, going into, 2 4in. chrome stacks mounted under the doors. Every nite it's 2 Tylenol to get to sleep 'cause it all hurts!!!
John William, I have a construction progress thread called Project Regress located somewhere on this site and, if I recall aright, part of it shows the pipes that I created for my 85 SS. Y'all cordially invited to wander on over there when you find a minute to come surfing and take a peak. I went with Flowmaster headers and collector reducer and ran amok from there. if i could TIG the first project would be to cut down the driver's header and replumb the location of two of its tubes to gain clearance for my lower A-arm. Thing is that it is ceramic coated and that would have to get ground off before getting into tube work; then how would I replace it?

TWO Tylenol?? Can't take more than one of the OTC version a day, just like the vitamins. No gall bladder and a front page zipper that runs from my pelvic bone to my collar bone, with one minor interruption in the vicinity of my diaphragm. Stuff does digest but it takes two days past forever for it to occur and two Tylenols, from personal experience, have the tendency with me to cause my heart rate to speed up and cause things like sweats and shivers. Tylenol 1's are worse; whatever is in them makes me sicker than a dog to the point where Uncle Ralph and i have some serious conversations while i am in the throne room. Tylenol 3 is something I can only have as an liquid soluble injection into my IV while in Emerg. Apparently all this is chronic and can't be fixed without killing me in the process so here i am.

Headliner clips.
Interior hardware kit.
A/c box rebuild kit.
A/c box hardware kit.
C7 rotors, pads and hardware kit.
BigBrakeUpgrade.com hubs and brackets for the Brembos.
Timken bearings.

Tomorrow I'll be going to the LKQ in Charlotte for rear disk off a Blazer, maybe try to find a console of some sorts, and probably a truck A/c compressor bracket.
The next stuff on the list is trans cooler and shifter.
Went to LQK went for Camaro rear disk but no luck. Ended up settling for some off a blazer. No console. Didn’t really like anything. Found a couple jeeps for the shaft but only one was a 93 and the rest were 95+ which I think doesn’t work. As for the a/c bracket I might just do the dirty dingo bracket with Sanden compressor.


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Bringing back good memories those are Dealer Tech books, they had them at the dealer I worked at. Alot of good info in those books.
Oleta and I have been looking for 83 Olds literature when we go to the car shows in the area. Haven't been very successful.....
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