Waiting on parts. Last day isn't until July 15. I've got time.And a long weekend to make it happen, no?
Waiting on parts. Last day isn't until July 15. I've got time.And a long weekend to make it happen, no?
Corrected the situation.
I swapped out the card, went up to my boss...
" Hey that card I gave you, can I have it back? I made a terrible mistake"
He handed it back to me with a smirk on his face...
Swapped the cards and said, "oh thank heavens, that was gonna bother me forever"
I'm such a dickView attachment 178991
Prepare.Waiting on parts. Last day isn't until July 15. I've got time.
Fixed it for you. Lol."You know, that guy who pretended to be jakefromstatefarm, he was an a$$hole, but told it like it was. He had the right idea to blow this poorly managed shithole. I'm glad I don't have little dick problems like he did and feel the need to leave black marks on the white concrete. I'm just gonna talk sh*t about this place to my steering wheel on the way home. *sigh* Wonder what the wife is gonna make me make her for dinner tonight. I hate my life."
MrSony needs to step up to that one. I need an allergy shot looking at it, but not a tetanus vaccine. Looks to have been forgotten for some time.I did the same thing I always do but this time I had to do a pole barn about 300 yds down a hill from the house. View attachment 179097Bitchin and moaning the whole way down. But I seen these sitting under the lean-too.View attachment 179093View attachment 179094View attachment 179095
I seen this guy Thursday morning
View attachment 179096
Last day at the old job... and completed year 1 of Staff College. 6 week break before year 2 begins. FML.
So you're staying in and doing something different you said?
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