What did you do to your G-Body today? [2011-2018]

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Well had big plans today. New front coil springs, shocks and blazer brakes. I knew it was going to be one of those days when I put the line wrench on the brake line. Just start to break it free and immediately see brake fluid dripping. This started out as my junkyard build but has snowballed to a frame off and a lot of new parts.
My old balljoints had no play in them but the rubber boots were trashed. So, I bought new ball joints and bent up a new line. So tomorrow , if all goes well , I’ll finish what I was supposed to do today.
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One of my Goodyears went flat, leaking around the lip. Don't care, they're 30 years old. Splits basically everywhere where there is rubber, no grip at all even on dry pavement. It's to be expected, hard rubber 30 year old tires. I would do burnouts with them, but they're so crappy I wouldn't trust em to do that and not explode. So, the 14" steels went back on. Car looks like it's rolling on 4 donuts now. T Wheels are currently sitting in the basement awaiting new rubber. Whenever that may be.
Mission accomplished for the most part. Got the brake line on and to my surprise , it fit perfectly.
Then the ball joints. The lowers are no fun at all. Put new coil springs, shocks and blazer brakes on.
Got the fronts to gravity bleed but no luck on the backs. I’m not sure if the valve was tripped or not. I made sure not to press the pedal while it was apart but the car is at work so anything is possible.
I went with Moog 5660 springs and cut 1/2 coil. The front end feels like it should ride pretty good. With the old shocks and V6 springs , I felt like I could almost bounce the car by pushing on the front end. Not anymore.
I must say it was a long day and pretty much my weekend. The push continues!
I got to start installing my TBI wiring harness today. I pulled out the old CCC computer and wiring harness, and got the TBI harness installed in the body grommet. Luckily the grommet that came off of the G20 van is the exact size, and the retaining bracket even fits the molded in post where the harness turns 90 degrees.

The big time waster for me was trying to take the whole fender off to get to that harness hole. I would have liked to take it off to get to some rounded door bolts on the passenger door, but I ended up just taking the inner fender out when a couple of clip-on nuts broke and started spinning.

The only crappy part about using a van harness is the computer in a van is under the drivers seat, and all the wiring loops around the back of the engine, to the front, and then goes inside through the bulkhead connector to the fusebox. This means that all my power wires run into the engine compartment instead of to the dash. I will have several that will have to be tapped close to the computer connector, and capped or cut in the engine bay.

On the upside, I ordered some spiral wrap from ebay which should make the wiring much cleaner looking when I am done.
Didn't get out on the road. The tires are so bad I don't trust it to go down the driveway. It seems fine though. Clutch engages and disengages fine. No dragging. The shifter is exactly right. Its almost too far forward with the shifter base I built. I will get a nice short throw and It should be sweet as can be. The column looks like GM built it. The color is a little off. Too red. When I redo the carpet Ill get the right color mixed up at the paint supply and shoot it. Need a good turn signal lever with a cruise button still.

OK, I officially drove the GP. The trans works like it should, the car drives really nice. Especially since it is all original. I had to pull the original muffler out though. It was trashed. I scabbed in a dual outlet from a 97 Firebird I had laying around. It came out meh. The tailpipes aren't level. Ill have to go back and fix them at some point. It pisses me off. That muffler really is too big for the space and the outlet rea in the wrong spot. Don't bother doing it unless you are really cheap and really stubborn. I am both. I have a lot of cars to feed so a free muffler for a stock 301 is worth the work.

On a related note, anyone know how to create a gallery so I can post some pics now that its done?
OK, I officially drove the GP. The trans works like it should, the car drives really nice. Especially since it is all original. I had to pull the original muffler out though. It was trashed. I scabbed in a dual outlet from a 97 Firebird I had laying around. It came out meh. The tailpipes aren't level. Ill have to go back and fix them at some point. It pisses me off. That muffler really is too big for the space and the outlet rea in the wrong spot. Don't bother doing it unless you are really cheap and really stubborn. I am both. I have a lot of cars to feed so a free muffler for a stock 301 is worth the work.

On a related note, anyone know how to create a gallery so I can post some pics now that its done?
You can post the pics here, as they happen. Otherwise, click on your name, then click on "Your Profile Page", there will be a tab called "Media", and there ya go. You can also make your own thread in the Photos/Video section as well.
Today was a cool day. It was 75* out, went to the junkyard with my fancy flex head ratchet, got them damn jounce bars off an '83 Bonneville with 64,*** miles, also hoping to get them for cheap, I snagged the dash bezel, 4 gauge pod (needle gauges), and its charcoal canister. The canister is in better shape than mine is, so I'll put it to use and rebuild my old one in my spare time. Jounce bars are going on later today (Tuesday).
I got all 4 things for 26 bucks! I just love junkyarding.


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