Yeah but I think mine and yours are much different than his, he is a big kid 6'2 probably close to 350lb so can become a monster if he wants to. The problem is that he quit football very quickly and has never pushed himself at anything from what I can tell. He says that he tries but then when I ask what he means by trying I would hardly even consider it any effort. He has had a very hard time passing his learners permit test, he says he tries but that is going out with someone once a week to drive. I tell him that if it was a real priority he would be studying that book day and night or least some every day. He says yeah but I don't see him doing it, it is pretty much all the same at the gym I had to start him with zero weight on anything because he just doesn't have it in him. Now after a month or so he was happy that he was bench pressing 95lb which is what he thought a strong girl at the gym does but she was only using it to warm up. I have told him all along that the weight you lift doesn't really matter as long as you are using correct form and pushing yourself until you fail so that you can work the muscle. But now he has tried getting into the faking it method of saying he is pushing himself, I keep telling myself that he will eventually get it but don't know that he will.
Sooner or later he's going to learn:
It's his choice of how he's going to suffer.