Well that free tractor needs an engine it's locked up tight. I have one but do I really have time for that? I think not. On a lighter note. Best turkey EVER! Lats Sunday I cooked the brine.
1 bottle cheap dry white wine 2 boxes of chicken broth 2 fist fulls of brown sugar 1/4 cup ish of black peppercorns salt and pepper garlic powder onion powder some good maple syrup and some cheap pancake syrup because that Maple stuff's expensive a couple of bay leaves parsley cumin cayenne pepper and a bottle of cheap honey cooked together and chilled with ice. I let that fester in a home Depot bucket all week with the bird in it packed with ice inside a cooler last night I smoked it the first 4 hours uncovered in a pan with some brine in the bottom. Then I hit it with butter salt and pepper covered it and let it smoke until dinner tonight raising the temp to 200 around 3:00 to hit my 180 mark. While it rested on the cutting board I made a gravy with the liquid in the pan. OMG! I killed it! My oldest Lexi said it was the best BBQ I ever made and Janet agreed. Maybe I'll be allowed to buy some car parts now lol
It's way! Off topic but I had to tell someone lol
1 bottle cheap dry white wine 2 boxes of chicken broth 2 fist fulls of brown sugar 1/4 cup ish of black peppercorns salt and pepper garlic powder onion powder some good maple syrup and some cheap pancake syrup because that Maple stuff's expensive a couple of bay leaves parsley cumin cayenne pepper and a bottle of cheap honey cooked together and chilled with ice. I let that fester in a home Depot bucket all week with the bird in it packed with ice inside a cooler last night I smoked it the first 4 hours uncovered in a pan with some brine in the bottom. Then I hit it with butter salt and pepper covered it and let it smoke until dinner tonight raising the temp to 200 around 3:00 to hit my 180 mark. While it rested on the cutting board I made a gravy with the liquid in the pan. OMG! I killed it! My oldest Lexi said it was the best BBQ I ever made and Janet agreed. Maybe I'll be allowed to buy some car parts now lol
It's way! Off topic but I had to tell someone lol