We did make another hack at the V today and I feel we did move forward some, but the big chunks were knocked out yesterday. Today was smaller tweaks, and I think I need to get smarter to get it better than it is in the cruise regions. With the WOT stuff, I'm just hitting a wall around 5000 RPM, it's heinous. Check out this snapshot of a nasty lean spike. It always happens at this RPM.
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There's about 1.1 seconds transpiring between the lean spike initiating and either me lifting, or the car responding to me lifting. I'm none too sure why it goes so haywire here as you can see here in the VVE map there are no sudden changes.
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See the wee blue selected cell? There's nothing dramatic happening around it, yet the car takes a big @$$ $hit anywhere near that region despite me adding fuel to it. I suspect I'm hitting a limit somewhere with this thing and I'm going to shoot myself in the foot pursuing VVE beyond this point. The wideband pegs full lean here, not just off by an AFR point or 2. If I can get past this, we can dial in the fueling to the gnat's *ss and move onto timing which is where we make some real money. I also tweaked the torque table that's reported to the transmission and the shifts were night and day better. I think that one needs another tweak before I go after the actual shift timing tables. He's also taking this to a dyno shop so if I can get this thing where I want it to be I can compare me to someone who knows what they're doing as a sort of gauge of my abilities. What I'm expecting is they'll be able to produce a more refined VVE table WRT WOT stuff and I'll be left filling in the blanks elsewhere.