Yeah... my Dad was a mechanic and fixed irritating people's rusty sh*tboxes pretty much everyday until he died. That isn't happening here. LS swaps and tuning up here are very rare (even less so done well), especially in a government town where no one really turns their own wrenches but have money (recession or not) - so it doesn't matter that there are (LOL) plug and play options now (as potential clients aren't wrenching for themselves). I figure that I've built enough ground-up rolling business cards to know what's what. So committing a few hours once in a while to tune a car isn't that much of an imposition.
The rub is that I am still about 15 years away from retirement, so who knows where the hobby will be in that time. Chances are we will still have enthusiasts, and most shops won't know how to service/tune an early 2000s Corvette - much less be willing. But, as long as there is a desire, money will follow.
I'd rather do the performance stuff as it suits me, being that the Mrs and I expect to have two full pensions I'll have the liberty to do what I want at my own pace and on my terms. If it doesn't facilitate my learning and experience or building out the property/equipment I won't touch it.
I am going to have some very specific directions laid out before accepting any work - especially having a retainer in hand for the eventuality of a flaky POS.
fleming442 it is less about getting rich, and more about staying busy. 😉
Rust is definitely a concern along with broke asses looking for a deal or wanting me to half-*ss something. I guess if you're not totally dependent on the income, what about the market for such a thing? Maybe have a powdercoating hustle on the side or something along those lines? Sounds like your location would have the right kind of people for a market to exist at least.