Though I haven't been posting here much I have been busy with other stuff, just haven't documented it well. Here's a copy paste from my dually thread on
All 4 of my Husky splash guards have been on for over a year and 19k miles attached like that...they are still solid.
That's encouraging to hear, mine have less than 100 miles on them.
Today was supposed to be UCA bushing day, but I ran into troubles on the lift. I would have had to unload the torsion bars and did not have the tools for that. Whenever I tried setting the LCA on a stationary object to get the UCA off of the downstop, it pointed the *ss end of the truck down in a way that made me a bit uncomfortable. This thing fits on the lift like 10 pounds of sh*t in a 5 pound bag as it is with the majority of the *ss of the truck behind the lift so I bailed on that. Going to have to suffer in my driveway with this job, but it's not near as bad to do off the lift as an exhaust gasket or trans range switch. Here's the only pic I shot to try and capture the stance, though it really hasn't changed. Shameless plug of my friend's F-Teen Thousand and camper that puts mine to shame.
I went after the easy thing first. It ended up being extra easy cuz the transmission and everything down there was nice and warm, the plugs came right out. I'll likely ohm out the old one as it's MUCH cleaner and consider slapping it back in after getting it 100% clean. It looks like a bent pin may have been why my backup lights weren't working seeing how the pin that's bent controls just that.
Sorry, crappy pic. It's the pin in the middle of the big plug on top, looks different than the bottom. Next I went for the exhaust gasket that didn't exist. Slamming the thing full of exhaust cement does an alright job for a while. Stuff is pretty tough and took a good bit to clean up. I didn't get it 100%, but ran my finger over it and it felt good enough. I think what's left is filling in pits for the most part.
I nabbed a Remflex gasket.
It claims to deal with warped flanges well. It didn't crush as much as I thought it would, but it was quiet in the cab.
I finally put together why I had so much trouble getting the cat flange lined up on the lift the last time and zero issues on the ground.
This is with the pressure released.
The leaf pack drops onto the tailpipe and prevents you from being able to maneuver the thing. I ended up lowering the truck farther onto the 2x4 to be able to pitch the exhaust to mate it back up. I also had to loosen the manifold bolts to maneuver the downpipes. I then forgot to retorque them and the truck sounded like *ss. I figured the new gasket was a fail so set sail for home. The first time I cracked into the gas though it sounded like the flipper dually and I instantly realized my mistake so headed back and torqued the 6 nuts. Nice and quiet again. I'll check it more closely tomorrow when I set up for the UCA bushings in the driveway. For something I suspect I'll fight and potentially fail, I prefer to have the option of getting pissed and letting it sit overnight without inconveniencing my transportation alternatives (Corvette on bald tires) or requiring a ride home.